26. Love?

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I grabbed a cloak and flung it around my shoulders before pressing the button on the lift.

As much as I wanted to drive my attention off of it, I couldn't. He seemed so serious when he sent me the text, was it something important?

He's so playful at most of the times so it throws me off my chair when he was grave. Maybe it's my mind is delusional and thinking that it might be serious because he didn't use any emojis.

But what if it is?

I walked into the elevator and pressed the ground floor. The doors closed and the music started playing. I turned around and looked at my reflection in the mirror, it was disheveled. My hair from the braid was sticking out and face needed an exfoliation. My lips were chapped and it looked like as if I gained a little weight in the past few days.

The elevator dinged signalling that I've reached the destination. I marched down the lobby and opened the door to the outside. The chilly air kissed my skin sending chills through my bones. Teeth clattering, I looked around for a sign of a human and found a silhoutte of a being sitting on a bench.

It's back faced to me, a tree bent over to give some shade and the moonlight outlining the figure sitting there. It was whistling a soft tune and I would've mistaken it for a wolf boy or something if it hadn't chuckled when it made a mistake.


The said boy turned his head towards me with an eye-dazzling smile, "That would be me."

"What are you doing here out in cold? And where is your coat?" I asked sitting down on the bench.

"I was the one who called you out down and I just wished to greet the cold while it lasts. It's not often you see such a pretty sight in Seoul and that too unadulterated with the buildings." He sighed glancing over to the horizon in front of us.

"When you think it's a shooting star, it's just a helicopter, or an aeroplane." He mumbled.

"When you think you heard dogs or wolves howling...they're just sirens." I added.

I leaned against the headboard of the bench and calmly watched the dark clouds moving. The moon occassionally fading in and out, shying away from the human eyes.

"What did you call me for?" I pivoted my head to face his side view and I noticed the way his Adam's apple bobbed up and down.

My hands clammed up in sweat as I waited impatiently for what he had to say. Jungkook was alone back in the apartment and I don't think that a pissed bunny in an empty house is a good combination.

"Well, er-" Taehyung licked his lips, his thoughts fighting with his conscience on whether he should say that or not. Hesitance clearly evident on his face.

My hopeful smile pushed him to utter the words but somehow he just couldn't find himself to say it.

His mind drifted back to the article he has been reading; If you like a girl and the duration exceeded four months, then you're in love.

What is love?

Is this what you call it?

Taehyung thought that confessing his feelings might help his heart be a little light. He even practiced in front of mirror and with Jimin to build up with confidence but he felt it crumbling when he saw Yeonhee sitting with him. He began to have second thoughts and he felt like a fool for calling her downstairs so rashly.

Yes, he makes reckless decisions and every one of them backfires. Let's just hope this one doesn't.

He searched millions of articles about how to ask a girl out but he couldn't find the one that suited his style. He wanted it to be memorable enough for her but yet at the same time he didn't know if she would accept it or not.

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