Part 4 | Lunch

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You flopped to the ground, panting. "I hate acting" you groaned.

Liz leant over you. "Sweetheart we haven't even gotten to the acting part yet" she said with a laugh.

"She's going to die when we do" Aaron commented with a grin.

"Shut up Aaron" you grumbled. He laughed and grabbed your arm, pulling you up.

"Come on you lot, go shower and were off to lunch" Taika said.


After you had showered, you turned off the warm water and reached for your towel. It was gone.

"Guys who took my towel??" you demanded, poking your head around the door.

Tom, Scarlett, Mark, RDJ and Jeremy were all sitting there chatting.

Jeremy smirked evilly. "I don't know y/n, where did you leave it?" He asked, his smirk widening as you glared at him.

"Renner! Give me my towel this instant!" You said, holding out your hand. He shook his head.

Tom sighed and stood up, reaching behind him to grab a towel off the rack. He walked over and passed it to you, respectfully looking away just in case.

"Thanks Tom" you said, sighing in relief.

"That's alright dear, sorry about him, he is quite a pain" he answered, smiling. Butterflies started flitting around in your stomach at the nick-name.

You flipped Jeremy off and shut the door, finally able to get ready.

Outfit inspo (If you want <3)

I personally am choosing one😙

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I personally am choosing one😙

You step out from the shower room, hanging up your towel to dry. Turning around, you see Jeremy and Tom staring at you.

"Renner, if you are planning on pranking me again I will kill you" you threatened, walking over and leaning on the back of Scarlett's chair.

"No no, you look quite nice. I just didn't know you wore anything other than training clothes" he with a grin.

"I'm going to ignore everything that just left your mouth" you replied. "Are you alright Tom?"

"Yes, totally fine" he answered, blushing a little bit. He looked away and started talking to Mark.



"Gosh I love this place" you said as you and the others wandered in. Taika spoke to the lady at the door and she lead you all through the garden dining to the very back next to a little fountain.

"Imagine sitting here under that tree and reading" you sighed. "Cue main character moment."

RDJ rolled his eyes. "What are going you read, Shakespeare?"

"Shakespeare in the park? Doth Mother know you weareth her drapes?" You quoted, taking a seat in between Lizzy and Chris. Tom sat across from you with Tom H on one side and Sebastian on the other.

"This girl is going to be the death of me" Anthony groaned.

"Thank you, I try hard" you said proudly, reading over the menu. Nat rolled her eyes.

"Janeo if you keep rolling your eyes I will accidentally stab you with a butter knife" you said without looking up. Snickers went around the table.

"Lucille style?" Paul asked.

"Afraid not, I only reserve that for Sir Sharpe over here" you answered, looking up to grin at Tom. "How is Lucille by the way Mr Sharpe?" You asked in your poshest British accent.

"Dead I'm afraid" he answered solemnly, shaking his head.

"What a shame" you replied sadly, stifling a laugh.

"You two are weird" Chris E said with a chuckle. You feined offense.

"How dare you! I've never been so offended in my life!" You quoted. Tom H burst out laughing.

"Whats so funny?" Natalie demanded.

"Another one of my blooper quotes" he said, still laughing.

"Are we sure we know which Tom she's obsessed with?" Scarlett mock whispered. You glared at her.

"Fuck off Romanoff, I'm not obsessed with either of them. If you want to be quoted, be funny" you said.

"I've got a girlfriend" Tom H said, a confused look on his face.

"Who?" You asked.

"Zendaya" he said with a proud little smile. You jumped you and ran around around the table to hug him, shrieking something along the lines of 'I knew it!'.

"Didn't you know?" RDJ asked. You rolled your eyes as you sat back down.

"Clearly not."

"So I guess that guess that leaves Hiddleston over here for y/n then" Liz said with a grin.

"Shush Liz, go and talk to your boyfriend Paulo, he's right beside you" you quipped. Both actors blushed bright red.

"Were not dating y/n, just our characters" Paul said.

"If I do recall correctly Mr Bettany, you and Miss Wanda over here are married with kids" you answered, returning to the menu.

"Why on Earth do you call all the guys by your their last name?" Anthony asked.

"Because Mr Mackie, it's fun and life's boring, and I'm still processing that I'm actually hanging out with THE Marvel Cast."

"We are just people you know" Robert said.

"I know, but you don't realize the extent of your reach into my life! Your movies are literally my life's purpose, Loki makes up the majority of my personality and mindset and I reference you guys on a daily basis! I literally idolize all of you!" You exclaimed. They all listened, their smiles growing wider as you spoke.

"Aw, thanks love" Lizzy said, putting hand on your cheek.

"See, my brain just went 'Oh my god, that is Elisabeth Olsen you are currently talking to'" you said with a smile as they laughed.


"I am all powerful!" Chris declared as he ran around the car park in a superman pose.

"I am a god you dull creature!" You said, mimicking Loki's pose. "And I will not be bullied by-" You were cut off as Chris suddenly picked you up and threw you over to Tom. You shrieked as you flew through the air.

Tom caught you and set you down gently. You held onto his arm, the world spinning lazily in front of you.

"Puny God" Mark finished with a laugh.

"Chris if you ever do that again I will cut your kidneys out and sell them to your fans" you said, shaking your head to get rid of the dizzyness. "No need to take my quoting that literally."

"Not my fault you're all short" Chris said with a shrug. Everyone groaned.

"Were not short, you and Tom are both fucking giants" Scarlett grumbled. The two Men grinned at each other.

"And that's why we play Asgardians" they said in sync, high fiving each other.

"Children" Taika said with a laugh.

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