Part 42 | We Might Have A Problem

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"I can't believe you're making me do this" you grumbled.

"To be fair my love, this was your idea."

"I thought you loved me!"

"Of course not darling, sorry, did you get that impression?"

"Jackass" you chuckled, elbowing him as the two of you made your way over to the rest of the cast.

"Go on love, I've been waiting all night to see this" Tom smirked, pushing you forward gently.

"You're supposed to be on my side!"


You sighed sadly, wiping away a fake tear. "Enjoy the show then."

"You are an actress after all" he smirked as you flipped him off.

"Everyone! May I have your undivided attention please! Robert, I have something important I have to tell you" you announced dramatically, the whole cast looking over at you in confusion. "This may come as a shock to you."

"It takes a lot to shock me kid, do your best" he replied with a grin, Tom already snickering behind you.

"Since the moment I first laid eyes on you when we first began filming, I knew that you were my one true soulmate. All these months I've dated Tom to try and get you off my mind, but the truth is, I hate British men" you began.

"Hey!" Tom exclaimed to snickers.

"Zip it Hiddleston, I'm professing my love" you interjected, trying to keep a straight face. "I know this is hard for you to hear, but I don't love you, I never did. My one true love is the famous Robert Downey junior."

"What the duck is going on?" Scarlett whisper shouted to the others, everyone else shrugging.

"So, without further ado, Robert Downey Junior, will you marry me?" You asked dramatically, falling to one knee and holding up a ring made of tin foil. "I didn't have much notice for the ring, apologies."

"Yes!" He replied with an equal amount of drama, holding a hand to his forehead as the others burst out laughing. "Why Y/n, I never thought you'd ask! You're the one I've been waiting for my whole life!"

The actor hugged you tightly as you stood up, the two of you crying fake tears as the others applauded.

"So beautiful" Mark laughed as you and Robert took a bow.

"What was all of that about?" Robert asked with a laugh.

"Tom and I made a bet saying that whoever didn't get Chris and El together by the end of the night had to propose to you" you explained with a grin. "Unfortunately I lost."

He mock gasped, holding a hand to his heart. "So you don't really love me?!"

"No, Robert!" You laughed as he ran away, wailing dramatically. "See Tom, you've made me break his heart!"

"How could you Hiddleston?" Sebastian tutted, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

"Worth it" he grinned, kissing your temple. "And the cameras are still rolling darling, so I can watch it over and over again and revel in the victory."

"I hate you."

"You could never hate me."

"Try me, I won an award in grade eight for most negative student."

"There's awards for that??" Chris E exclaimed.

"There wasn't, they made it for me."

Tom chuckled, sliding an arm around your waist. "I'm not shocked love."

"I can't believe you bet on us getting together" Chris sighed, smiling slightly.

"It worked though" you and Tom chorused, grinning at El and Chris's linked hands.

"Evil geniuses" you declared, high fiving him.

"Like Loki and Eira" Taika chuckled.

"Or like Megamind" you grinned. "Another blue guy who pretends he's evil but isn't really."

"Wonderful way to sum up my character darling" Tom laughed.


"Someone took my antidepressants!" El grumbled, rummaging though her bag.

"I hope they're happy" you grinned, Tom laughing slightly as he drove you all home.

"Oh never mind, I found them!" She added, pulling them out from the side pocket. "And that was a shit joke."

"You're so mean to me Els."

"True love."

"I though she was supposed to love me" Tom gasped, wiping away fake tears.

"Of course not darling, sorry, did you get that impression?" You smirked, quoting him from earlier that evening.

"You stole my line! Evil woman."

"It's a talent."

"You don't have many talents" El commented, smirking in amusement.

"Why do I put up with you two?" Tom sighed, shaking his head. "I'm not even being payed."

"You're choice Hiddleston" you grinned.

"Just don't marry her, then you'll be fine" El added.

"We might have a problem with that" Tom mumbled to himself.

"What was that?"



Wrote this in a thunder storm💪 My caravan (Aka my room) is literally shaking from all the wind and thunder

Oh well

On Set | Tom Hiddleston x Fem!ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu