Part 30 | Cable

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Everyone knew by lunchtime.


"Darling we all know Mark can't keep a secret."

"I'm never going to hear the end of this" you muttered as Taika came rushing over.

"SHES FINALLY DATING!" He shouted, picking you up and twirling you around. "Now Tom, I love you but if you hurt her you will be hearing from me."

"Don't kill my boyfriend please Tai."

"I will if he hurts you."

You rolled your eyes as Tom laughed, reassuring the director.

"Great! We must celebrate!" Taika declared, rushing away again, probably to go plan whatever it was he was planning.

Suddenly you spotted Mark over in the corner, hiding behind Chris and Chris.

"Mark I can still see you!" You booted over, the actor laughing nervously behind his mug.

"Don't kill him love, he means well" Tom chuckled as you took his hand, dragging him over to the three men.

"Congratulations!" Chris exclaimed, hugging the two of you happily. "It was bound to happen."

"Fuck off."

"I think she makes up for her height by swearing" Chris whisper shouted.

His eyes widened as you held up your water bottle, pointing it threateningly at his crotch.

"Don't make me do it."

"Tell your girlfriend not to kill me Tom!"


You sighed, putting it back down. "Fine."

Amidst the commotion, you noticed Mark trying to slip away. Grabbing his coat sleeve, you managed to pull him back.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, it just slipped out!" He apologised quickly. "Here, I made you tea?"

"You're forgiven" you answered immediately, happily taking the mug he offered you.

"How to make Y/n happy: make her tea" Chris E chuckled, watching in amusement as you tucked yourself under Tom's arm, sipping away happily.

"Tea fixes everything!" El shouted from across the room where she was chatting to Paul, Lizzy and Tom H.

"Except the mental health issues" Jeremy grinned, hoping the five of you.

"Yes well we already knew those weren't going anywhere anytime soon" you shrugged as the others chuckled.

"Hey" Tom frowned, giving you a little shake. "Don't think like that."

"Aw, they're finally out of denial" Anthony said, poking his head out of a cupboard with his video camera recording.

"Shut it bird man."

"Meanie" Seb added, appearing beside him.

"Why are you two in the cupboard?" Tom asked, looking at the two of questioningly.

"Never ask questions you don't want the answers to Tom" Sebastian said mysteriously, slowly sinking out of view.

*This timeskip was brought to you by HAVE YOU SEEN THE ESSEX SERPENT TRAILER OML-*

"That's going in the blooper reel" Taika declared as everyone burst out laughing.

Lizzy's cable had gotten stuck in a scene where Wanda and Vision were supposed to be flying side by side.

Currently the actress was now hopping around in circles with cable tied around her foot, laughing her head off.

"It's stuck!"

"THATS WHAT SHE SAID!" Anthony screeched, making everyone laugh even harder.

By this point you and Scarlett were holding Liz upright as the crew attempted to unwind the cable.

"We might have to leave you here for ever Lizzy" Scarlett sighed, shaking her head in mock sadness.

"Rest in peace Elisabeth" you continued, pretending to wipe away a tear. "Always remembered."

"Oh stop being so dramatic" she laughed, finally free.

"That was some talented acting there Liz, amazing work" Rdj commented, clapping loudly as he grinned over at her.

"Oh shush."

"Not possible, it's Robert" Chris snickered.

"I don't how we get anything done" Aaron laughed. "I wouldn't be shocked if the movie doesn't come out because how slow we are."


Don't you just love it when your family friends come over and you have to deal with their annoying children that you actually hate and when you think you've finally escaped to read Wattpad in peace one of their iPad children finds you and wants to watch you 'play on your phone'?

Yeah, me too

Anyway, ✨enjoy✨

On Set | Tom Hiddleston x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now