Part 11 | The Playground

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"Beach time!" Lizzy sung out, skipping down the sand.

"Yes Elisabeth, that's why we're here."

"Shush Y/n."

It was your second week in Australia, and everyone was going for a swim before going to meet your parents.

"You guys do realise that you can stay here? It's just my parents" you said as everyone put their stuff down in the sand.

"We could, but we won't" Scarlett answered with a shrug. "We need meet the people that created such a little shit."

"Thank you, it's my life mission to piss everyone off" you replied proudly as everyone laughed.

"Come on losers!" RDJ called as ran towards the water, racing Chris E.

You took off the clothes you had on top of your swimmers, folding them neatly and placing them on top of you towel.

I haven't got a picture for the swimmers, I know everyone's got different comfort zones, choose whatever you want (And comment the link, I love to see everyone's outfits!)

You stood up straight, taking your hair tie out and slipping it onto your wrist.

"Tom, her eyes are up there" Aaron commented with a smirk, pointing at your face.

Tom glared at him as you went red.

"Fuck off Johnson" you said, turning walking down to the water.

"Just ask her already" Tom H said as he applied sunscreen.

"Ask her what?" Tom replied, folding up his shirt. The others rolled their eyes.

"No no, he's got to do what you did" Anthony said, smirking at Tom H. "Have a crush on his co-star for a whole four years and THEN ask her out."

Both the Toms sighed as the others laughed. "You are insufferable" Tom groaned.

"Stop being fancy and go hang out with your girlfriend" Chris instructed.


"Get in the car losers, were going parent meeting!" you declared, turning the keys in the ignition.

"Have you ever driven a bus before?" Chris E asked, looking slightly nervous.

"Nope. Don't worry, it's only a small one" you answered with a smirk. He just sighed.

After forty minutes of intense karaoke, you arrived in your small hometown.

"Y/n look it's Grace!" El shouted.

"Are you guys-" Tom H began to ask. He stopped talking when you both flipped her off, smirking at her. Taika stifled a laugh.

"Bitch" you both muttered simultaneously, waving to some other people you knew.

"Quick detour" you said, turning right down a little street and pulling up in front of a children's playground. You and El hopped out, standing beside each other in front of the vehicle.

"What on Earth are you doing?" Chris asked as you both got into a running stance.

"Oh not this shit again" Taika groaned. "3, 2, 1, go!"

You and your best friend sprinted off towards a huge oak tree, laughing and trying to shove each other on the way. When you reached it you leapt up high, grabbing onto a branch and pulling yourself up.

"Not fair! You're fitter than me from all your actor training!" El whinged as she began her way up from the very bottom.

"Suck it up buttercup!" you shouted down, now over half way up.

"What the fuck are they doing?" Scarlett asked.

"They do this every time they come home. See who can get to the top of the tree first" Taika explained. "N/n's never lost."

By this time you had reached the very top. You plonked down on a little wooden platform you and El had built when you were nine.

"Elliot the platform still works!" you called down.

"What?? No way!'

"I know right! I'm gonna try the rope!"

"E/n/n don't you dare!"

You stood up and grabbed the rope hanging in front of you. "Too late!" you shouted before jumping off the planks.

You shrieked, whizzing down towards the ground. You smirked at El as you flew past her. A second before you hit the earth the rope pulled taunt, throwing you off.  You landed in the dirt with a thud, rolling onto your back.

El rolled her eyes and pulled out a pair of gloves, pulling them on before sliding down the rope. She landed neatly on her feet, flicking her ponytail over her shoulder.

"Show off" you muttered as she grabbed your hand, pulling you up.

"Okay, were done" she declared as you walked back to everyone gathered in front of the mini bus.

"Are you alright?" Tom fretted, holding your waist and spinning you around, checking for injuries.

"I am completely fine Mr Hiddleston" you said with a smile.

"PDA ALERT! PDA ALERT! EVACUATE!" Anthony shouted, mimicking Wanda's movements.

You pulled out a prop dagger and ran at him, leaping onto his back and holding the fake blade to his throat.

"Sweetheart, we've talked about this. You can't carry a prop dagger with you everywhere" Taika lectured, trying to be responsible as Anthony ran around in circles screaming and trying to throw you off.

As he ran past the group Sebastian grabbed you and threw you to Chris who threw you to Tom. Tom caught you, holding you gently as you gasped for air.

"Thanks Hiddleston" you said after you'd recovered, kissing his cheek and rolling out of arms to run after Anthony. Little did you know that the rest of the cast were grinning at a blushing Tom.

"Can you actually do anything with that thing?" Nat asked. You looked at her warily, but saw a genuine curiosity.

You grinned. "Elliot, act two, scene four" you called and El ran straight at you, grabbing a prop dagger of her own.

Together you both re-enacted the fight scene between Valkyrie and Loki in Thor Ragnorok, with El as Val and you as The God of Mischief himself.

"Hiddleston, you're fired, were taking Y/n as the new Loki" Paul declared as you pulled El up from the floor.

"She can't do the Loki voice" Tom countered with a smirk.

"Don't" you said quickly. Everyone looked at you quizzically as El grinned evilly.

"You have to get used to it at some point" she said, smirking at you.

"Shut it Elliot."

"What's wrong with the Loki voice?" Liz questioned.

"Oh, nothing. Maybe that she wants to marry Tom every time he does it" Scarlett commented, her an El grinning at each other.

You flushed red, glaring at the two of them. They just smiled sweetly at you.

"Oh mortal, you have no idea" Tom said in his Loki voice, smirking.

You shivered and everyone burst out laughing. Tom smiled gave you a hug as you glared at everyone.

"Sorry darling, couldn't resist" he said with a grin.

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