Part 18 | Coffee Machine

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"Darling, that's not going to work."

"Shh, it will."

Tom sighed, smiling slightly as you clipped two wires together, carefully entwining the metals.

Stepping back, you looked over at the actor at the other end of the bench. "Alright, turn it on!"

Rolling his eyes, Tom flicked the power on for the coffee machine, watching expectantly.

There was a sputtering before a green light flicked on and coffee started pouring into the cup placed beneath the spout.

"YES! WE DID IT!" You cheered, grabbing Tom's hands and dancing around the kitchen.

"Wow, we built a coffee machine" he answered sarcastically, laughing when you shoved him lightly.

A moment later there was a loud bang, coffee spraying everywhere.

Tom wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you behind him protectively as the little machine buzzed loudly before dying.

The two of you stood there for a moment, just staring at it.

"To be fair, you did buy that off Wish" he commented eventually, grinning down at you.

"Oh shut up" you laughed, beginning to clean up the mess.

"I told you it wouldn't work."

"Well I didn't listen."

"I would like to let you both know that I filmed that whole thing and it will be sent to Taika" El announced, popping up from behind the counter.

You shrieked and pointed the shattered mug at her, the girl rolling her eyes as you sighed.

"Careful love" Tom warned, gently taking the ceramic from your hands and putting it into the bin.

"Aww" El cooed, still filming.


"That's me."

"Stop filming!"


Tom chuckled, carefully sweeping all the broken ceramic up while you cleaned up the spilt coffee.

"So, n/n, please tell the fans why the hell you thought a $20 coffee machine from Wish would work" El asked, zooming in on your pissed face.

"I honestly don't know, I ordered this six weeks ago at 3am."

"You need to fix your sleep schedule darling" Tom said.

"I could."


"But I won't."

He sighed. "I knew you were going to say that. Day one of isolation and you're already driving me insane."

"Welcome to the N/n and El household!" El sang out, turning off the video and skipping away. "We sell fun, games and marvel obsessions with a side of mental illness."

"What a wonderful catch phrase" he joked, laughing.

"El thinks we should print it on a billboard and stick it to our front balcony" you answered, taking his hand and leading him towards the lounge.

"We should!"

"We shouldn't."

*Timeskip brought to you by the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow! *falls ungracefully**

"My dear I'd rather not watch a movie I'm in."

"But you're an incredible actor."

"As much I appreciate your kindness, I have no desire to watch myself on screen."

"Boring" you groaned, poking your tongue out at him. "Too bad, I'm making you watch it anyway."


"No objections!" You exclaimed, placing a finger over his lips. "We are watching Ragnorok because it is the best Marvel movie out there, end of discussion (It is, go argue with the wall.)

"You're a pain, you know that right?"

"Thank you, I try hard" you grinned, sitting down on the couch beside him, leaving a polite gap.

The actor sighed, rolling his eyes slightly "Idiot" he mumbled, grabbing your waist lightly and pulling you towards him.

*Another timeskip brought to you by Choo Choo chugga chugga big red car, travel here, and travel farrrr, ch-* (Ah, the Wiggles)

"Surpiseeee!" You quoted, doing jazz hands.

"Ow" Tom muttered, in sync with his on screen self.

"Just had to be sure" El shouted from the kitchen.

"You two are crazy" He murmured, looking down at you curled up against him, almost in his lap.

"I know."

He chuckled and kissed the top of your head before returning to braiding your hair.


In the words of Loki, ta daaaaa

I've just realised that I should put my enjoys at the beginning before you've read it, and not after

Oh well

So, ✨enjoy✨

On Set | Tom Hiddleston x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now