Part 10 | Home Sweet Home

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"Home sweet home!" You and El sang out, linking arms and skipping off the plane. There was a huge field near Chris's house where the plane had landed. Rich ass.

"Welcome to my home!" Chris said dramatically.

"Are we supposed to be impressed?" Jeremy whisper shouted. Everyone laughed as Chris flipped him off.

Chris took you all inside. There were enough guest rooms for everyone to double up with El staying with Chris.

"Alright everyone! I have made a non-negotiable room list! So we have:
Lizzy and Scarlett
RDJ and Chris E
Paul and Mark
Aaron and Jeremy
Y/n and Tom
Tom H and Zendaya (She was on holiday here and would pop in and out)
Anthony and Sebastian
Taika with his own room"

"Really Chris??" You exclaimed.

"Aw don't be mad n/n, he's just trying to speed up the process" RDJ said, patting your shoulder as you glared.

"Shut it Downey, I will dye your hair pink in your sleep" you threatened.

"I'd like to see you try" he responded smugly.

"Will do" you answered before grabbing your bags and following after the others.

"And here we have the room for the lovers" Chris said, pointing to you and Tom. You flipped him off and pushed open the door.

It was a nice room; large bathroom, two closets, one bed.

Hold up.

One bed.

"Chris there's one bed" Tom H said, confused. A second later his eyes widened.

"Oh god you are insufferable" Tom muttered, glaring at Chris.

"Anyway off we go, you two get settled" Chris said with a grin as he led the others further into the hall.

"Sorry about him" Tom sighed, walking over to one of the closets.

"It's okay, he must thinks he's hilarious" you answered with a chuckle.

"Oh he does, wait until we start filming! He doesn't shut up!" Tom complained, smiling as you laughed. "I'll take the couch" he added, moving to put a pillow on it.

"No no no, I'm not letting you do that, we're here for two weeks! Plus we slept together on the plane" you answered, stepping in front of him. He looked worried.

"I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable" he said with a frown.

"Don't be silly, you have one side, I have the other and that is an order" you said, pointing your finger at him threateningly.

"Yes ma'am" he laughed, saluting you.


"It's so hot here" RDJ said dramtically, lying on the floor.

"It's still hot, ah!, its still hot, blow on it *Raspberry noise* ITS STILL HOT" you quoted, stepping over RDJ.

"More quotes?" Jeremy said with a grin.

You shrugged. "Not my fault you lot talk so much. Plus, it's hot cause I'm here."

"You realise were going to have to do heaps of interviews, people are going to quote you" Tom smiled.

"Like I said Mr Hiddleston, the fans might hate me. Being one of you guy's biggest fans, I can say that first impressions are extremely important" you answered.

"What do people like about the MCU cast?" Paul asked.

"You're all hot" you replied truthfully. They all laughed. "What?? That's what the fans think!"

"Then you'll fit in with their expectations just fine" Liz said with a smile.

"Thanks Liz."

"And you're a fan, what do you think?" Scarlett asked, grinning.

"I agree wholeheartedly" you said, flopping down onto the couch beside Lizzy.

"Ooh, who's the best?" Mark asked.

"Definitely me" Chris said, flexing.

"You are in El's eyes" you answered. She blushed.

"Definitely me" RDJ said from the floor.

"Me" Anthony said, posing with Sebastian.

"Nope, she definitely thinks it's Tom" Lizzy said.

"Well it would be denying fact to say he isn't" you said, laying your head in Lizzie's lap as the others gasped. Tom went a bit pink and shook his head.

"Don't deny it Tom, own it" Chris E said with a grin. He rolled his eyes.

"But is he the best in your eyes?" Scarlett pressed, looking excited.


"Knew it" she smirked.

"Hey! That's not a confirmation!" You shouted as she hummed loudly.

"Well at least it's not Chris" Liz said. Chris pouted in the corner.

"All right you lot, I'm off to the store to get some Aussie things for you all to try. Ellina leave your boyfriend, your coming with me" you declared.

"I'm sure you can figure it out yourself" she replied with a smirk.

"But then I'm going to be lonely" you whined.

"Take Tom with you then."

You looked over him.

"That'd be fun, if that okay with you" he said with a smile. You nodded and turned to Chris with your hand outstretched.

"Oh no, you can run there and back" he said with a smirk. "Its only ten minutes."

"You are the worst" you answered, groaning. "Come on Hiddleston, I'll race you."

"I doubt you could beat me" Tom said, grinning.

"Aw" RDJ said, still lying on the floor.

"Shut it downy."

Tom grabbed your hand and led out the door as you waved to everyone.

"Ready?" He asked with a smirk.

"As I'll ever be" you said with a grin. He smiled, remembering the first time he'd said that to you.

"And, go!"

You both sprinted down the side of the street, running towards the shop.

Approximately ten minutes later you arrived, Tom beating you by a centimetre.

"Nooo" you whined, flopping dramatically onto the grass. He bent over you, laughing as you pretended to die.

"Drama Queen" he chuckled, pulling you back up.

"Indeed I am" you declared, taking his hand. "Now, let's go get some snacks."

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