Part 23 | So Close

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You were currently lying on the floor, watching Paul chase Seb and Anthony for stealing his bag.

"How are you going darling?" Tom asked, smiling down at you.

"Good, I'm tired though" you sighed, smiling back at him.

"From the acting or from dealing with those two?" He laughed, indicating to the Falcon and Winter Soldier actors who were shrieking like children as  the Vision actor ran after them.

You grinned. "Both, more so the second one."

Tom sighed again and sat down, laying your head gently in his lap and quietly fiddling with your hair.

"I don't even know why I'm still here" Scarlett huffed, flopping down beside you. "You, Lizzy and Tom are the only sane ones here."

"Sane is not a word I associate with N/n" El commented as she wandered past, rolling her eyes when you flipped her off.

"She has a point my dear" Tom added.


"Remember the coffee machine?"

"In my defence, it was twenty dollars off Wish."

He blanched. "Twenty dollars?? Then I must congratulate you on not burning the building down darling."

Scarlett looked quizzically at the two of you, a look of amusement settling on her face after you told her the story.

"I think quarantine together is great for you two" she said, standing up with a smirk. "Practice for the future."

"Wha- oh dear" Tom muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Scarlett, can you please-"

"Tom stop being such a gentleman" you groaned. "Scarlett, politely, fuck off."

The actress laughed as she walked away, Tom chuckling quietly.


"Home sweet home!" You sang out, closing the door to your apartment. "Damn that was a long day."

"It was" Tom agreed, setting his bag down beside the kitchen counter. "Entertaining to say the least."

"That's one way to put it."

"Well, almost falling head first from ten meters in the air really spices up your day doesn't it?" El said, grinning.

Tom's eyes darkened, the actor muttering to himself as the two of you wandered off to your bedroom.

"No need to curse the set crew Hiddleston" you teased.

"You could have gotten seriously hurt darling" he replied, no trace of joking in his voice.

Sighing, you walked over to him and put a hand on his cheek. "I'm okay Tom, luckily nothing bad did happen."

He nodded slowly, his blue eyes not leaving yours. He was so close, so close when-



You're welcome😌 god I love keeping you all on edge

Sorry this is so short, I had a super busy day today, and I'm actually going to go sleep now (shocking, I know)

On Set | Tom Hiddleston x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now