Chapter 29

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"are you guys ready?" jay asked. they all replied with a yes and jay started driving "ni-ki where does taki live" jay asked him "just 4 houses away from ours. he's waiting outside" ni-ki replied while texting taki. sunoo was glancing at his phone from time to time, just to know what they were talking about.

"there he is!" ni-ki cheered. taki approached their car and opened the car doors "hi guys!" taki greeted "hey taki! sit there in the back with sunoo and ni-ki" heeseung ordered. taki nodded and entered the car. he was about to sit by the window when an idea suddenly hit him.

"im not really the type who likes to sit by the window so do you guys mind if i sit in between you both instead?" taki asked them, smiling innocently as if he didn't have any ill intentions "oh for sure!" ni-ki scooted away from sunoo and made space in between.

"but-" sunoo cut his sentence off when taki had already placed himself in the middle "okay let's go!" jake cheered. which sunghoon found endearing.

jungwon had connected his phone to the speakers in the car and played some songs to set the mood. while everyone was vibing and singing along, one wasn't. sunoo was by the window, pouting with his arms crossed. ni-ki and taki were laughing at something in their phones which upset sunoo a little.

his whole life, the one and only thing he hated the most was feeling left out. i mean, he is an enfp after all. there's just something about the feeling that makes him feel miserable. he hated not conversing with anyone. he hated that he wasn't a part of his close friends' conversations. he hated being alone.

"you okay there sunoo?" heeseung asked the younger. heeseung might have an image of an immature person judging by how he always jokes around but he also makes sure he acts like the eldest brother to everyone else too. he always knew when something was wrong and was always willing to help when he could.

"ah yes no worries hyung im fine!" sunoo flashed him a smile "i dont believe you but okay. do you want a gum?" heeseung asked him "sure" sunoo replied. heeseung took one piece of gum from his pockets and handed it to sunoo "thank you hyung" sunoo said.

a few minutes after chewing the gum, it lost its flavor. sunoo was about to reach for the box of tissue near ni-ki's seat but taki blocked the way. sunoo sighed and decided to ask ni-ki instead "riki can you pass me the tissue box please?" sunoo asked but he got no response.

"you have got to be kidding me! are they doing this on purpose?!" sunoo groaned and placed his forehead on the back of jake's seat "you okay sunoo hyung?" ni-ki asked "yeah haha i totally am!" sunoo said. though the sarcasm was obvious, ni-ki didn't seem to notice it and continued talking to taki.

ㅡ ♡ ㅡ

"we're here!" sunghoon yelled. they made their way out of the car and approached the arcade "let's go!" taki cheered, locking his arms with ni-ki's after. sunoo watched them sadly with his head hung low "let's go sunoo!" heeseung said.

the rest played some games while sunoo was on a chair watching taki and ni-ki's every move "did you guys fight again? you were fine this morning" heeseung handed him the mint chocolate ice cream he bought and sat beside him "i dont know hyung.. im upset. like really upset. riki said he would spend the whole day with me today.. just look at him dancing with taki" sunoo pouted.

"don't worry too much okay? he probably just missed him" heeseung smiled and put his arm over sunoo's shoulders "hyung they were literally in Japan together.." sunoo whined "oh right. do you want me to talk to him?" heeseung asked "no its okay. hopefully he's gonna come to his senses soon" he replied.

"that game looks really fun! come on sunoo lets go play!" heeseung said "its okay hyung! unfortunately, im not in the mood today. you can go" sunoo smiled. heeseung nodded and ran to jungwon and jay who were also playing the game.

riki <3

come hang out with me please?
i've been trying to get your attention
for while now.. you keep ignoring me
1:07 pm

i told you to wait for me in the
bathroom. where are you guys?
2:33 pm

i just stayed in the car
because i got cold.
4:56 pm

ㅡ ♡ ㅡ

"where did sunoo go?" jungwon asked "he wanted to stay in the car because he got cold" heeseung replied "what? he got cold? what time did he go inside?" ni-ki asked worriedly "2 hours ago.." heeseung replied "two hours ago?! how did i not notice?!" ni-ki said.

"don't worry ni-ki it's warm in the car. he's probably chilling in there" taki laughed "alright.." ni-ki sighed. he was having too much fun with taki to the point where he forgot about sunoo "you guys wanna get dinner?" sunghoon asked "okay!" jake replied.

they entered the car and found sunoo sleeping using heeseung's extra jacket as his blanket "poor sunoo he must've felt really cold" jake said.

"oh you guys are back!" sunoo had woken up because jay started the car, which made a lot of noise "sorry you didn't have that much fun today sunoo" jay said "no dont feel sorry. I felt comfortable here so I'm fine" he replied.

"what restaurant should we go to?" jungwon asked them "oh you guys are getting dinner? can you drop me home first, i dont wanna eat anyways. plus my parents are probably worried" sunoo laughed "are you sure you dont want to eat?" sunghoon asked "yep!"

ㅡ ♡ ㅡ

"what happened to sunoo a while ago? he looked a bit upset" ni-ki asked jay "i dont know. also have you checked your phone? someone was messaging you a few hours ago. it might be important" jay replied "no. my phone was silent the whole time. hang on let me check"

kim useon 🦊

kim useon 🦊:
come hang out with me please?
i've been trying to get your attention
for a while now.. you keep ignoring me
1:07 pm

kim useon 🦊:
i told you to wait for me in the
bathroom. where are you guys?
2:33 pm

kim useon 🦊:
i just stayed in the car
because i got cold.
4:56 pm

kim useon 🦊:
11:23 pm

knee-kee 🧔:
im so sorry
i didn't see this early 😭
seen - 1:02 am



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