Chapter Eighteen: Chop Chop.

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Brushing her hair from out of her face, Rin exhaled. Her knees were bruised from the amount of time that she had spent on the ground, scrubbing away the blood that had stained the bathtub. Celina's corpse had been bagged and thrown somewhere. Where she had put it, she couldn't quite remember, yet, she was under the belief that she would stumble back across it. Her bathroom already smelt like butchers, hell, it even looked like one before she had scrubbed the entire surface with bleach. Prior to her cleaning the bathroom, she had used the shower to hose down all of the blood that had been left in the tub, yet the drain had gotten blocked by something. Until she had managed to unblock the drain, she resorted to using a large cup to scoop up the bloodied water. Rin didn't even wince when poured the contents of the cup out, rather keeping a stone-cold expression on her face, watching as a sea of red swirled down the sink, dipping into the plughole.

When she had eventually finished, she stripped herself from her bloodied clothes. She couldn't tell whose blood was whose at the point. Throwing them in Celina's washing basket, she headed upstairs inside the woman's house, deciding to rob some of her clothes. It had grown to be dark, the girl noticing that when she looked out at the street, noticing the moon in the night sky. Rummaging through the no dead woman's drawers, she entertained herself as she found different pyjamas. Eventually, she settled on a pink pair, having a slim fit on the girl's bloodied frame. She grumbled to herself when she discovered the fact that the wound she had created up her sides and the one on her stomach had stained the cute pyjamas with blood. So, for the next 30 minutes, she went digging around the house in an attempt to find a first aid kit to attempt to bandage her wounds. When she found some, she covered her body in blasters, wincing when she wrapped the bandage around herself. Eventually, she gave up and decided to head to bed.

Rin knew as soon as she woke that Leon was not behind her. Her skin tingled upon the new presence sitting behind her. Reaching out, the man behind her reached out, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder. Turning her head, her eyes grew wide as she saw a familiar green-haired man. "You're one piece of work, you know that right?" Reaching out to touch the girl's face, he sighed,
"I did what I needed to do," Rin shakily spoke, staring at the man, "why are you here? Did Leon get tired of me?"
"Leon?" asked the man in confusion, tilting his head to the side, "he's been here?" Rin paused for a second looking at the confusion on the man's face,
"He wasn't supposed to be?"

When daylight broke, Rudy stood outside of her bar, phone pressed up to her ear. Her hand on her hip, she grumbled out cursed when it rang out. No answer. Again. "Good morning, Rudy. I brought you and the others coffee since I thought you might like some. We have a busy day ahead of us," Lewis spoke causing the other jump. Placing a hand on her chest, she exhaled, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spook you," the boy apologised. Rudy sighed,
"It's fine," she murmured, "you know when you and Rin went for brunch yesterday... did she tell you if she was going anywhere?" queried the woman. Lewis sipped his coffee, giving the girl a confused. Gulping deeply, he shook his head,
"No, why? Did she not go back to your apartment?" Rudy brought a hand to her forehead, letting out a heavy huff,
"No, she didn't. She hasn't been answering her phone and I went to her apartment last night and she wasn't there either," she explained. Lewis' palms grew sweaty looking over his shoulder seeing his husband talking to Emmy. Tapping a black bracelet around his wrist, his phone began to ring. Holding the coffee out to the girl, he offered her a warm smile,
"Do you mind holding these for one moment, I need to take this." Rudy nodded her head, taking the coffee from out of the man's hands as he quickly turned on his heel, holding his phone up to his ear as he approached the other two.

"We have an issue," he spoke, rushing up to the pair who turned to face him, "Rin has completely dropped off of the face of the Earth and I have a feeling that telling Rudy I was spending time with her yesterday was totally the wrong move," Lewis whispered, Rhys raising an eyebrow,
"Why would you lie about that in the first place?"
"Because Rudy was panicking and we need to make sure this plan goes ahead smoothly," Emmy stated, grabbing her phone from the pocket of her lilac blazer, "keep Rudy distracted- lie to her if you have to. They're signing this deal," spoke the redhead as she rushed to her car, her chunky black heels clicking against the smooth concrete.

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