Chapter 4: Acclimatizing (2)

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We then checked the inside and outside of the house. We stepped on some broken glass, parts of the stairs, and some insects and rats kept appearing that slightly scared me. After that, we went out and the town chief was still there where we left him with a tired face.

"I think it'll do grandpa, as long as you'll help in renovating it." I stated that his face brightened up.

"Okay, so shall we leave now?" I nodded and we returned to his mansion.

I'm so tired of all that has happened. Now I don't want to walk home yet. Ah, I'm so hungry too! Is there a restaurant or a café here?

A familiar-looking boy and a woman came and hugged me.

"Thank goodness you're alright, Sunni. We were so worried!" Mom said and they hugged me tighter. "Where were you..? After disappearing like that, I nearly had a heart attack. Don't do that again, okay?"


"Not wanting to disturb this lovely atmosphere but you have a daughter, Miss Margaux?" The adventurer asked still in disbelief. "I thought you only have Heinrey, she even has the signs..!"

The signs? What the hell is he talking about?

"Yes, this is my daughter. My husband's mother took care of her and she just returned a month ago. She was being so clumsy so she fell down the stairs and her idiot brother didn't catch her at all. Good heavens, what would they do without me getting worried?" She explained as she sighed and rubbed her temple.

I was clumsy before I fell? That's absurd, I don't even remember anything!

"Mom, I'm not clumsy..!" I stammered that they all laughed. "It's not funny okay..! I even used the kidnapping to blackmail the town chief into giving us some of his property..!" They balked at my words.

You didn't expect to hear those words from a mere child, right?

"You did what?!" Mom and brother asked in surprise.

"With Sir Elias's help, I blackmailed the town chief..?" Brother pinched my cheeks.

"Good job Sun, you're absolutely amazing! You should teach me too!" He said and continued inflicting pain into my chubby cheeks. Mom smacked his head that it formed a small bump.

"Don't encourage her!!" Mom angrily scolded him that I laughed in amusement.

"MissnMargaux, maybe you should refrain from smacking people's heads off. And Sunni, don't do it again or you'll get in trouble in the future." Sir Elias said.

"It's okay, I have my brother. I believe he'll help me everytime I need it." I confidently said with a grin that mom and the adventurer squealed while brother puffed out his chest. My empty stomach grumbled that embarrassed me. "Sorry, I was just hungry."

"Let's go to Yuna's café! That means you too Elias." Mom stated and we all headed to that destination.

Confectioneries ranging from cookies, cupcakes and muffins to cakes, crumpets and different kinds of bread were displayed in glass compartments. Then a woman with curly brownish black hair in a messy bun and light brown cat-like eyes greeted us.

"Welcome Marge, Sir Elias, Heinrey and... who is this angelic girl?" She curiously asked while scanning me.

"Hello Miss Yuna, I'm Sunni!" I greeted her back that she squealed and caught the attention of all her customers.

"Kyaaahhh, so cute!! You should've warned me about her cuteness overload, Marge!" She slapped mom lightly. "She's like a doll, so adorable!!" She added.

If she finds out about my past life, I doubt she'll still call me that.

She pinched both of my cheeks while saying how cute I am that annoyed me. "Mi--!"

"Call me auntie." She cut me off.

"Aumpwie, pweash shop..!" (Auntie, please stop..!)

I heard her customers murmur. 'Is she really a little girl?'

'Maybe she's a doll that can move using magic?'

'It's impossible for a girl to have such a perfect face!'

'She kinda looks like--' The woman suddenly shrieked and they all zipped their mouths.

What just happened? Who do I look like? Why did they stop gossiping all of a sudden? Did someone threaten their life if they said something about my 'doppelganger'?

"What do you wanna eat Sunni?" Mom asked and I pointed at a chocolate cake. "Okay, how about you Heinrey and Elias?"

"I wanna have what Sunni has!" Brother Heinrey happily replied.

"Me too." The adventurer agreed while looking away.

"Three slices of chocolate cake, a slice of strawberry crumpet, two glasses of orange juice and two cups of chamomile tea." Mom ordered and was about to pay when auntie pushed the money away.

"It's on me for today, I don't wanna make this cute, little angel pay!" She said and pinched my cheek for the last time. We then took the table near the cashier.

"How did you find me mom?" I asked in curiosity and she pointed at the elf.

"He told me using a transmission scroll. He recognized that hair tie you're wearing." She explained that I nodded in understanding. "He did but he still can't believe that you're my daughter, how disheartening." She added and pouted.

What in the world is a transmission scroll? Is it a magic-imbued artifact? If so, isn't it kinda expensive especially for us commoners? Wait, wait, wait... how do they know each other? Sir Elias is an adventurer, is mom too? Does brother plan on being an adventurer too? Now, I wanna be one too!!

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