Chapter 16: Gad's Wrath

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***Gad's Viewpoint***

'Your Divine Sanctity, is it really fine to leave it like this?'--Archangel Michael

'She even cursed you when she was supposed to thank you for reincarnating her!'--Archangel Uriel

'Watch your words in front of His Divine Sanctity!'--Archangel Gabriel

[Now, now everyone, calm down. I didn't reincarnate her, I returned her soul to her original body in Aetheria. Don't ever argue with me regarding her again or you'll join with Luci way below us, right Gab?]

They all flinched at my words. Their reactions are kinda funny.

'Forgive my rudeness Your Divine Sanctity, but what did you mean by that?'--Archangel Ezekiel

[A very malicious magician signed a contract with Luci's advisor and cursed Solaris, my direct descendant. It caused chaos because my descendant's presence alone can bring peace between the six empires. I saw her soul floating up here so I transferred it to Earth. Her sudden death there was Luci's fault; he corrupted her mother and ended up killing her.

I felt pity for Solaris so I returned her soul to her sleeping physical body in Aetheria. I was relieved because her family preserved her body well believing that she'll wake up. But then, Luci used the rebel's selfish desires and my direct descendant got kidnapped. To help the Imperial family, I ended up meddling in that world's problem.

Now that she's returned, my role to protect the people is handed down to her. Because she's my direct descendant, she can use divine powers or humans simply call as Light magic. Does that enlighten you in anyway?]

'So that means she's a goddess too?'--Archangel Uriel

[That is correct. However, I have no intention of informing her that only if its strictly required.]

'Your Divine Sanctity, will she succeed in bringing peace to Aetheria? I think she's too inexperienced to even carry such a heavy burden. But, I'll trust your Judgment, Oh Holy One.'--Archangel Gabriel

[I believe she can. Mike, come with me to Hades. Luci has some explaining to do regarding that advisor of his called Amadeus. Go continue watching over the humans.] They all nodded.

When we arrived in Hades, many sinful people asked for help while constantly burned by the Eternal Flame. A woman with burned clothes and bones in plain view grabbed my robe that annoyed Michael that he kicked her.

"Why did you commit many sins in the first place?" He asked coldly.

"Forgive me, I'll never do that again! So please, help me!"

"I'm sorry but His Divine Sanctity gave you a lot of chances back when you were alive and what did you do? You spent all your time with gambling and abusing your child, and even seduced many men to accomplish your selfish desires!"

[Young woman, I may lack fairness but I judge people rightfully. Your actions caused your demise.]

"I'm really sorry, please forgive my sins! I now regret everything that I've done!"

"It's too late for that. I just talked to you and you were immediately swayed. Look where your eagerness to listen to the Devil got you!" A familiar raspy voice said.

[As cold as ever, Lucifer. Should I call you Lord Lucifer now?]

"Can you just speak verbally and not telepathically? It's creepy." I nodded.

"Luci, I believe you already know why I came here."

"Of course, it's because of my idiotic servant that the gad himself came down here to settle things. Wait here, I'll call that little runt. Amadeus!!"

A man with a long black hair and eyes, red skin, long brown horns and black batty wings arrived. He had a weak dark aura around him that scared the sinners.

"Yes, milord? This servant arrived just as you orde--" Luci suddenly punched him on the face that cut him off. "What did you need me for, milord?" He got punched again. "If I ever did something wrong, please tell me."

"Hah, not just wrong but terrible. Don't you know that the girl you cursed was actually the gad's direct descendant? Do you want a second Heavenly War by any chance?!"

"No, milord."

"If that's the case, why did you do it? Didn't you see the signs of her being divine? Her hair and eyes, did you see it in any color except gold? You son of a f*ck!!" Luci angrily said and kicked him that Amadeus dropped his knees.

"I apologize milord, it's just that the magician sacrificed his life to summon me. I had no choice but to comply."

"You son of a--!" I cut Luci off.

"You insignificant thing, how dare you do that to my proxy?! Don't you know that the human world could collapse if she died?! Her absence alone is enough to topple the balance off!!"

"Your Divine Sanctity, please calm yourself." Mike said that I regained my composure.

"I sincerely apologize, I was in the wrong. You can punish me as what you see fit but please, don't eradicate me. I will by no means repeat the same mistake twice." He said and bowed.

This guy... I suddenly have the urge to wipe him off the face of Hades.

'Oi, why are you thinking like that? Aren't you supposed to be benevolent?'--Lucifer

[Sorry, your minion is super infuriating. Is he trying to corrupt my thinking? If he is, he's bold. How dare a lowly being like him use me for his own desires.]

'Your Divine Sanctity, can I be the one to get rid off him?'--Archangel Michael

[No need Mike, we already have the god of death, malice and destruction with us. Luci, would you do the honor?]

Luci snapped his fingers and Amadeus turned to dust in an instant. We bid farewell to him and Hades and fled back to Eden. When we arrived, many souls of the dead lined up that I sighed.

I took a background check on each of them and they were the following: a nurse who loved taking care of patients, a politician that used the people to rise to power, a businessman murdered for raping his secretary, a scientist used another man for his experiments, an honor student pushed off a bridge because of jealousy and a little girl who committed suicide.

The first one will live here from now on; the second, third and fourth ones will be burned in Hades; the fifth and sixth ones will be reincarnated. After doing Judgment on them, a familiar spirit in all-black outfit arrived and removed his hat to show respect.

"Your Divine Sanctity, Grim Reaper no. 26 shall report to you. Many souls are still wandering on Earth and refuse to be judged because of lingering attachments to a specific object or place. May I know about the missing soul that you personally took care of?"

[Don't worry about her, I already reincarnated her in a different world. She's special because she's my direct descendant, do remember that and tell all your colleagues not to gossip about her again understood?]

"Yes, Your Divine Sanctity."

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