Chapter 14: Flashback (1)

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***Cyrprus's Viewpoint***

"Brother Licht, look! It's my new doll!" My sister's five-year old self said and I gazed at her direction. She's holding a brown cuddly bear with a golden ribbon on its neck. Round sapphire gems acted as its eyes and nose.

"Yeah, I know. I'm the one who gave it to you." I sighed.

"Brother, come on! Why are you being so cold? Did your teacher gave you homework again? Should I scold that bad man for you?" She worriedly asked as she raised his fist into the air.

Why am I dreaming about this day again? The day I saw her last smile and heard her last warm words, I really regret brushing her off.

"It's fine, you're just creating stress for yourself. Instead of talking about that damn doll, you should go to Al Sol Palace. Mother must be waiting for hours just for you." I scolded her that I saw tears forming in her eyes.

"You're horrible, Prince Cyrprus Licht diLumiere Heliontha!!" She angrily said and stormed out of my room. I felt an agonizing pang in my chest.

That's right, it's all my fault. When she mentions my whole name, she's relatively furious or upset about something. She must hate me now, I scolded her instead of going with her cheerful mood. What a cruel brother I am.

I wore my formal attire and tried to put on a smile on my face. I was on my way to the main palace for my sister's fifth birthday when a masked man wearing dark clothes with a hood tried to stab me in the back. I reacted quickly and stopped his knife in time. I knocked him unconscious, stabbed his own weapon on his chest and left his corpse in the entrance of my palace, Au Soleil Palace.

When I arrived at a door leading to the banquet, I saw my cute little sister wearing a white dress with golden linings and her hair in a braided bun. Our parents, Emperor Helios and Empress Regnant Leoght, were with her and Empress Consort Mathilde and her daughter Princess Helia in a red dress.

"Presenting His Imperial Majesty Emperor Helios diLumiere Heliontha IV, Her Imperial Majesty Empress Regnant Leoght S. Heliontha, Her Royal Majesty Empress Consort Mathilde M. Heliontha, His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Cyrprus Licht diLumiere Heliontha, Her Imperial Highness Solaris Athene diLumiere Heliontha and Her Royal Highness Princess Helia Aryss M. Heliontha! Endless glory to the sun, the moons and the stars of the Helionthan empire!" Captain Larks of the Imperial Knights announced and the door opened.

All the guests from the aristocratic and commoner factions clapped their hands. Also, lower royalties from small countries of the empire attended just to see my sister.

We were walking towards our seats when boys my age with the features of the Imperial bloodline from the four empires caught my attention so I excused myself to greet them.

"Greetings to the stars of the four empires!"

"Hey Licht, long time no see!"--Skypeian Crown Prince

"Licht, I'm so glad to see your annoying face."--Tierran Crown Prince

"Licht, is that the birthday girl? I didn't expect her to be such a beauty, can I have her?" The Lunarian Crown Prince asked that annoyed me. I covered his mouth and then punched his gut.

"I agree with my brother, though it is quite early to discuss about marriage. Do you agree, Crown Prince Sombre of Eboulis?"--Second Prince of Lunaria

"Hn, I sense a dark aura around her. Did something happen?"-- Eboulisian Crown Prince

"Yep, I ruined her mood moments ago when it's her birthday. I even scolded her for being carefree and always blabbering about the doll I gave her." I replied in guilt that they all laughed at me, including the ice block Crown Prince of Eboulis.

They are getting annoying. But I need to watch out for the Deimos, because he took an interest with my pure and adorable little sister. He could taint her heart with indecent thoughts when we grow up so I need to protect her.

"Esteemed guests from around the world, we are all gathered here tonight for a very special day in Heliontha. I know that when a child reaches this age, that child's parents must decide for that child's future spouse. I regret to inform you that I only want what's best for my daughter so I could only allow her to marry for love, like me and the Empress Regnant.

Without further ado, let's put off political and familial issues for tonight and let us enjoy this pleasant evening for my beloved daughter. Enjoy!!" My father stated and everyone clapped their hands once more.

"Happy birthday Imperial Princess Solaris Athene diLumiere Heliontha, endless glory to the star of the Helionthan empire!!" Everyone replied that my sister grinned in happiness and gratitude.

She's so cute!! I just want to keep her from those 'wolves' as long as I can. But what if her mind gets corrupted by romance? What will I do?

Everyone then ate and drank to their hearts' content. My parents lead the first dance in the dance floor that all followed with their respective wives or husbands. I stared at my friends if they would ask my sister to dance but surprisingly, they didn't. They said that they felt something behind their backs and they kept trembling.

You're actually doing a great job, Dad!

I was about to go to Solaris when a cloaked person appeared from an ominous portal and scared all of the guests. That person dragged my sister forcefully that the Imperial Knights surrounded him while the guests scurried away.

What is he doing to her? Does he have no idea what the punishment for hurting a princess is?

"Nobody move, or she dies!" That person said, realized a Dark scythe and pointed it to my sister's neck.

"Stop!! Unknown entity, you are under arrest!! Surrender now or face the wrath of the Helionthan empire and the heavens!!" Captain Larks and all of the knights pointed their swords at the person. Instead of being scared, that person laughed like a maniac.

"Me, surrender to mere weaklings like you??" He continued to laugh. "I've done so much already and you expect me to stop here, are you crazy?! Can't you let me congratulate her first? I assure you, I won't even scratch her!!"

I rushed towards him and tried to slash his arm off when he released a shockwave and I was sent flying away. The other Crown Princes attempted to do what I did but they also failed. An enormous magic circle of Dark magic appeared on the floor that we all gasped.

"You really tasted my patience!! Don't you know that such actions can lead to the precious Imperial Princess's life?! But before all that, let me introduce myself so I could be remembered forever for this daring exploit. I am Randall, first apprentice of the Great Archmage Betelgeuse of the Tower of Magic. I specialize in Dark magic and my only weakness is... secret, I'm only able to tell this much.

As you all know, being in the Tower of Magic is a great honor for you have to be gifted to be accepted. My mana output is already superb and my mana recovery is fast but still, I can only graze my master's cheek. But now that I've signed a contract with the great demon Amadeus, I can finally beat him.

If you wanna ask where the Great Archmage is, he's in the Eboulisian branch of the Tower of Magic. He's busy taking care of my underlings unaware of what's happening here. Let's finish the introductions and start with the show!!"

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