Chapter 43: The Real Imperial Princess

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***Author's Viewpoint***

The twin princesses stood side by side in front of the guests. They held a mirror each and focused their eyes on it. The Great Archmage Betelgeuse placed his hands on their shoulders; the mirrors then glowed brightly.

"Princess Solaris, Princess Borealis, pour your mana into each of your artifacts." He stated and the two nodded.

The light emitted became brighter that the audience covered their eyes with their hands.

'I'll show you that I'm the real princess and this girl is an impostor!' Borealis thought.

'Ugh, why did Sir Betelgeuse drag this situation longer? I know she's my twin and her appearance could positively benefit me.' Solaris said in her mind.

Borealis saw herself being crowned as the Empress and many people cheered for her. She was happy and contented, her people was respectful of her. She was on her way to somewhere in a golden carriage when the mirror turned red.

The vehicle toppled over and she was severely wounded. A knight reached out to her and she got out. She looked surprised when all of the knights pointed their swords at her and the last one struck his weapon through her chest from behind . She coughed out blood and struggled to breathe.

Due to the horrid scene, she accidentally dropped the mirror and it broke to pieces.

'What the heck was that?! He never said that it'll show your death!!' Borealis shouted internally.

While Borealis saw a disturbing scenario, Solaris saw herself graduating as a full-fledged knight. She then became a mage of the Magic Tower and worked under Archmage Betelgeuse. After working for half a year, she stayed at a Cathedral of the Vif Holy Nation. She saw a familiar-looking old man in white clothes patting her head.

She then left after learning how to fully control her powers and returned to Sunni Palace where her engagement with Crown Prince Deimos was announced. She saw herself smiling with her 'fiancé' that she blushed at the sight. The light emitted by the mirror turned yellow.

She then saw that she got married with the Lunarian Crown Prince. She gasped and even felt weird in her chest. She returned the mirror to the Archmage and wore her poker face again.

'What did it show me? I got married with Deim, impossible! But seeing that makes me relieved for some reason.'

"So, what did you see? The mirrors I lent to the two of you were special artifacts that could show you the future of your present choices."--Great Archmage Betelgeuse

'Shit, what do I say?!' Borealis thought. 'I know!'

"I saw myself being happy with mom and dad! B-But they were ambushed on their way to the border that I dropped the mirror. Sorry Sir Betelgeuse..!" Borealis stammered with an upset expression.

"What about you Princess Solaris?" She flinched when she heard her name.

'Oh no, should I really tell them about that embarrassing scene? Maybe I'll lie for today even if it's wrong to.

"Uhmm... I saw myself playing happily with the orphans and the stars of Aetheria became the rulers of their respective empires. Helia and Brother Henri got married and Alleria became a famous writer. Mom and dad retired from their duties and lived in a peaceful village owned by mom. That's it." Solaris replied that they saw an annoyed expression on his face.

"Tell us the truth, not some made-up stories." The two princesses balked.

"We're telling the truth!!" They both yelled.

"I don't think so, you're both clearly lying. I should know, you were sweating while you were talking and you kept shifting your gazes."

"I'm not lying!!"--Borealis

"Uhmm... it was too embarrassing to even say..."--Solaris

The Great Archmage sighed in infuriation.

'What did they see that they are getting worked up like this?' He asked in his mind.

"How can one of you prove that she's the real princess if you lie? Surely the scene you saw wasn't that bad right?"

"I died in the hands of the imperial knights right when I was crowned as the Empress." Borealis blankly said.

"The audacity to say that you're fit to be an Empress!! I guess you were being too arrogant that your own people betrayed you!" Lord Henri said and chuckled.

"I got m-m-m-mar-r-r-rried with D-D-D-Deim..!" Solaris stammered in embarrassment and blushed. The Lunarian Crown Prince went beside her and kissed her forehead.

"I'll take that as a yes to my proposal." Crown Prince Deimos proudly declared and grinned that his beloved blushed even more. "You're really cute Sol, I'll never get tired of teasing you like this!" Solaris pushed him away and looked away.

"Deim-- no... Your Imperial Highness Crown Prince Deimos Rocher diRiviére Lunaria, I regret to tell you that I'm the impostor. Her Imperial Highness Princess Borealis Astarte diLumiere Heliontha is the real one. Please don't execute or imprison me, can Your Imperial Majesty the Emperor just exile me to Tournesol? I promise never bother the Imperial family again. Revenge is not my intention either." She stated in a serious tone and curtsied while Borealis smirked in satisfaction.

"See? I told you!!"

"S-Solaris, what's this all of a sudden?"--the Helionthan Emperor

"Yes dear, why are you saying that? We know you're our only daughter!"--the Empress Regnant

"Solaris, don't do this!! Don't leave me again like ten years ago!!"--Crown Prince Licht

"Well Your Imperial Majesties and Your Imperial Highness? Will the Imperial verdict about my exile come to pass?" The three members of the Helionthan Imperial family gritted their teeth. "If so, I will take my leave now. I will also return the sword you gave me and this tiara..." She removed the ornament from her head and gave it to the Lunarian Crown Prince. She also summoned the silver sword from her storage and put in on the floor.

"W-Wait, s-stop..! Just, hang on for a minute Sol!" The Lunarian prince stuttered, alarmed.

'I'm sorry everyone, I guess I'm leaving you again... I love you all so much!'

"Thank you everyone, I'm gonna miss you even if you won't! Bye! And Your Imperial Highness the 'real' Imperial Princess, take care of them!"

'It's good to meet you, my dear twin sister.' She greeted telepathically to Borealis.

'Me too, I'm very thankful of you for warming the seat for me.' The other replied and Princess Solaris disappeared from the scene.

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