Fake It Till You Make It

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10 years later...

Quiet humming from the central air conditioning was Alessandro's only form of companionship while in his bedroom. Stagnant silence lingered over his shoulder, whispering sweet nothings into his ear and clinging to him like a touch starved lover. Festering discomfort was backed by a dull, growing sense of unease. He attempted to stave it off by keeping his attention elsewhere.

Large hands fiddled with a blue and white tie, the fabric soft against his fingertips. A loose knot by his throat was slightly tightened to keep the dual colored cloth in its rightful place. After making sure it was straight, Alessandro looked over his appearance in the full body mirror.

Silk tie. Light blue button-up with a white collar. Black pants. Simple belt. Polished Oxfords. Brunet, slicked back hair with shaved sides. Kempt eyebrows and facial hair.

Tired green eyes.

A familiar pill bottle was glanced at before his focus moved back to the mirror again.

He stood up straight with both hands braced against his hips. A large, false grin planted itself onto his face. The delighted expression successfully hid the man's underlying exhaustion, as well as a particularly haunted glint in his eye.

He still felt empty inside. Cold.

But as long as his smile stayed, no one else would have to know.

A soft meow calling from a short distance away caught his attention. Turning around, Alessandro came face to face with his cat.

She was a skinny Calico with specks of gray mixed into her black, white, and orange fur. Vibrant blue eyes had long dulled into a murkier hue. Small patches of thinning fur revealed even smaller patches of light pink skin.

Despite her age and overall sluggish nature, the feline remained highly affectionate in her mannerisms. She waltzed up to her owner and nudged his leg with her head. Loud purring could be felt as it sent vibrations through her body.

"Hey, girl." Alessandro knelt down to pet his cat, speaking with a soft voice. "I'm afraid I can't stay for much longer. Gotta head out for work. But you can have me all of tonight when I come back home. How's that sound?"

The Calico meowed back. She was given a kiss on her tiny forehead.

Alessandro stood up to his full height. He walked over to a wooden dresser standing near the large closet. An orange medication bottle was swiped out of its spot. The informative label was ignored.

Two pills were taken out. The chalky tasting capsules were forced down without any water. A bitter aftertaste lingering in their wake didn't receive any form of reaction—because this same old song and dance was repeated daily. 

It wasn't pleasurable, but it was normal. So there wasn't much of a need to complain about an aspect of life that would never change.

Leaving the bedroom, Alessandro glanced through the long, tinted glass panel that made up the right portion of the hallway. He could see the large, rectangular shaped swimming pool as it sat undisturbed outside. Automatic balcony and water lights were still on. They helped illuminate any surrounding trees and half-dead bushes. 

Not much time was given to appreciate the picturesque view since it was time to head out. Perhaps later, when the day's stresses were left at the door, a few minutes could be spent basking in the warm embrace of peaceful, nature-filled seclusion.

Alessandro walked into the kitchen, passing by multiple stainless steel appliances to fetch his keys out of the metal bowl sitting on the granite countertop. While doing so, he looked up from his position toward the open living room.

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