Let Me Know When It's Safe to Breathe

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"Are you sure you're actually ready to be back here so soon? I mean, it's only been a week, Andro."

"I'm sure. Staying at home- while it helped me get myself a bit sorted out- it was forcing me to sit and do nothing. I know I still need a bit to grieve. But I also need to do something more substantial with my time. Working will help keep my mind occupied too. I'd rather have that if I'm being honest."

"...Just make sure to ask for help if you need it."

"I will, I promise."

Both men stepped out of the elevator together. Alessandro's left hand was occupied as it carried his briefcase. The right appendage was held by a smaller, more slender one. Bare arms were mere centimeters apart since Lance wanted to stay close.

He wasn't scheduled to work today; but he'd decided to tag along to kill some time in the main office. At least, that was the reason he gave while getting ready to head out. It was more so to give Alessandro some peace of mind by having a support person alongside him, rather than actually helping with whatever menial tasks which needed to get done.

Either way, Lance's decision to come in was more than welcomed.

They were both surprised as the usual flock of department heads didn't crowd them like normal. No one asked for help in other areas of the building. No one asked to set up meetings about issues which could honestly be done over email. No one asked about potential documents that needed to be gone over. Instead, friendly waves were given when people realized the big boss was back. An air of calm emanated from them.

It was relieving to know the business hadn't gone up in flames or lost its momentum while Alessandro was gone. He didn't actually believe anything would happen, but he'd never been away for such an extended period of time.

With his absence being so substantial—to him, anyway—there was a slight fear that work wouldn't get done if he wasn't there to oversee everything.

It seemed that fear was unwarranted.

"Afternoon, guys," Stephan greeted with a smile. "It's good to see you both back again. Just so you know, the department heads have agreed to give you some space to let things simmer down. They don't want you jumping into work too quickly, Mr. Bale. Everyone wants to give you a bit to get your groove back. But don't worry, there's no rush."

"Thank you, Steph. I appreciate it."

"Also" —he glanced toward the main office— "there's a potential model waiting for you. Unfortunately, we don't have anything in terms of information for her because she was a walk-in. I tried to tell her to schedule an appointment like everyone else, but she was very adamant about seeing you. If you need me to, I can get security to escort her out."

"Eh, it's all right. If she's already here then there's no point in making her wait. I just need to give her- ah, damn, I knew I forgot something. I think I left the complimentary packets in the car. Lance, could you go grab those for me? I'm sorry, I know we just got up here."

"Don't worry about it. I don't mind taking a little walk."

"Thanks- I owe you one."

Lance waved his free hand as a nonverbal gesture to say there was nothing to be owed. He kissed the appendage in his grasp before letting it go.

Green eyes watched the male's retreating form until it disappeared behind a set of metal doors.

"You're absolutely smitten, aren't you?"

"You have no idea."

Stephan shook his head, smiling. He sat back down behind his computer. "Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

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