Torn Out of the Past, Dropped Into the Present

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Pink clouds danced across an orange and purple sky. Bushes were returning to their standard hue of vibrant green; thin, flimsy branches slowly gaining their foliage back. 

Neighboring trees were beginning to thrive again, so the forest surrounding the Bale property didn't seem so dreary. Small white flower petals lined the cracked stone pathway that lead to the front door. 

In the distance, city lights awoke in a mass of yellow. They'd only get brighter as the sun continued its slow descent.

Alessandro was in the middle of sweeping some debris off of the porch when he heard a car pull up. He turned around and came face to face with an unfamiliar black vehicle. Luckily, the windows weren't tinted; so he could see inside. It was easy to make out the familiar face behind the wheel.

Tan skin, light facial stubble, green eyes, longer brunet hair.

Leonardo hadn't aged a day since he last visited.

Alessandro put down the broom as the car was parked. He ran down the stone pathway with an excited cheer. "Hey, asshole!"

"Sup, bitch!"

The two brothers met for a tight hug. Both men erupted into enthusiastic fits of laughter. Faint vibrations ran across their chests.

Leonardo was a few inches taller and a bit more muscular. Those specific features made it easier for him to pick up and spin around his brother. 

Once Alessandro was put down, he was playfully shoved. He did the same right back. A rough furrow of his hair was given in return. Unkempt curls became even messier than they already were, and the action further proved that a certain mask didn't need to be worn in Leonardo's presence.

When he was around, it was okay to just... exist. The same way it was with Lance whenever he was present.

"Where's your boyfriend?" The question was coupled with a teasing smirk.

"He's not my boyfriend, dumbass." Alessandro chuckled while helping with the luggage. "And Lance is inside. He was taking a shower, but he's probably out by now."


"Be nice. A lot of shit's been going down for him, and he's been stressed out. He's actually kind of nervous to see you."

"Doesn't need to be. I don't bite." Leonardo winked. "...Much."

"Yeah, yeah. Come on."

A short honk resonated from the black car once it was locked. White headlights flashed in tandem with the quick sound.

A medium sized suitcase was pulled along the stone pathway. Leaves crunched when they were run over by plastic wheels.

A slight breeze ruffled surrounding foliage. Ringing came from a new wind chime, which was hanging by the door, as it danced from its high perch. Rippling water from the nearby pool could be heard as well. A faint aroma of chlorine became stronger with every step closer to the Bale residence.

Upon opening the door, Alessandro was greeted by Rain's excited meows. When she saw Leonardo, her tail's swishing became more frantic. Fast strides were taken up to the man as he put down his belongings in a free spot by the door.

"There's my cutie!" Leonardo happily scooped up Rain and rubbed her face against his own. "My soft little lady. Has your papa been treating you well? Is he giving you all your snacks? If not, let me know. I'll go to the store right now just for you, baby."

A long meow was given in response. It made both men laugh.

Leonardo settled down on the couch near Rain's bed. He held her up in the air like an actual baby and marveled at her soft underbelly. Gentle kisses were pressed against the area. Afterwards, she was held close to his chest. Numerous pecks were planted onto her tiny forehead as well. They were reciprocated with a few generous licks and purrs.

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