Together, We're A Wildfire

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A mint colored mug with a hairline fracture was nowhere to be seen. In its place was a shorter, rounder tea cup made of clear glass. Rainbow colored flowers danced along the lower section with its top remaining free of hand-painted art. Having an unobstructed section made it easier to see the pretty reddish brown hue of steaming tea.

Some sugar and honey gave the beverage an additional tinge of delectable flavor. Each sip brought about a pleasant, encompassing warmth.

Background music came from a replaced but equally vintage record player. Coupled with a nice, hot cup of tea and birds chirping through an open window, Dr. Hall's office felt the coziest it ever had been.

"I'm surprised you're doing as well as you are," she confessed. "But I think opening up about your assault is what you needed in terms of breaking down your biggest obstacles. I'm glad to know you're taking steps in accepting a positive support system. And it's even more amazing that you're letting yourself trust people again."

"I'm not going to lie, there are times when I feel myself trying to revert back. It's like the persona I'd built up is standing behind me- waiting for me to fall into a deep pit- so he can make a reappearance. Some days are harder than others when it comes to ignoring his call to go back to the way things were. But progress is progress. It may not be as fast as I'd like it, but it's still something. I'll give myself credit for that."

Dr. Hall nodded to herself, a gentle smile forming on her face. "How have you been coping with what recently happened with Kassandra?"

"Better than I was initially," Alessandro answered with a newfound confidence. He still felt uncomfortable talking about the woman, but he'd decided he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of cowering in her wake anymore. So even though her name was spoken into reality again, it didn't bring about a flinch or other physical reaction like it normally did. "I'll admit, there are times where I get flashbacks. Not to what happened in the office, but not exactly what happened in my room back in high school either. They kind of mesh together now into some weird conglomeration of strange imagery. Sometimes I sink a little further than I'd like. But it doesn't last too long because Lance is usually quick to notice. He helps by talking me down until I'm aware of where I actually am. It's... hm, what's a good word for it..."


"Yeah, exactly."

"How have things been with Lance now that he knows the truth? I'm sure that conversation wasn't easy for either of you."

"It wasn't, but it was one that needed to be had. There was a lot of relived pain- and a whole lot of crying. And I honestly didn't expect him to believe me since I'd never brought it up before our big fight. He took it a lot more seriously than I thought he would though. He has a lot of unspoken anger about the situation. It's not aimed toward me though- it's actually on my behalf. I know he's trying not to hover because he wants to give me some space, but I also know that he's afraid of being away from me for too long. I think he feels like he needs to protect me now that the truth is out in the open."

"And when the time came for it, he did."

"Yeah- yeah, he did."

The simple thought of Lance made Alessandro openly blush. He attempted to hide a growing smile behind a glass tea cup. His stomach and chest grew warm, and a genuine want to gaze longingly into bluish gray eyes formed.

Fortunately, he'd be able to in a few minutes.

"Have there been any other developments with you two?"

"...I can honestly and confidently say that I love him with every single fiber of my being. And I- I'm getting more comfortable with the thought of actually letting myself be honest about it. I want to tell him. Every day, I feel myself getting closer to actually doing it. I'm not sure when I will tell him, but I know I'll be able to soon. I don't- I don't want to lie about my feelings anymore. Especially my feelings about him."

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