An Outstretched Hand Can't Save Me From Falling... It Only Rushes the Descent

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A scorching sun glared down on excited beachgoers. The cloudless sky was a vibrant blue, rivaling an aquamarine ocean in terms of beauty. People were swimming and playing around in the salty depths as a means of cooling off. Others were partaking in beach games on the sand; activities ranged from volleyball to football to tag to tug-o-war. A borrowed set of badminton supplies were being used as well.

The Bale company employees were running around with pure glee. Faces were adorning large grins. Laughter and music outshone the sound of splashing water. Business attire was swapped for bikinis, swimming trunks, shorts, and dresses. The air smelled of barbecued meat. Wisps of smoke flew into the sky from a grill that was cooking said mouthwatering foods.

Alessandro was sitting underneath an umbrella. He had a book in hand while relaxing in a blue lounge chair. He had on a pair of dry swimming trunks and a mesh robe. A half consumed can of soda sat on a table to his left. He bobbed his head to the music playing from a radio in the distance.

The sound of excited hollering made him look up. Green eyes caught sight of Lance high-fiving Stephan. They were part of a group playing volleyball and were on the same team. Other members were giving similar gestures to each other, so it was assumed they scored. Alessandro snickered before bringing his gaze back down to his book.

Even though he was technically on holiday, he was still playing the role of Mr. Bale. The act wasn't done on purpose; but more so out of habit. He equated coworkers with having to be approachable, perfect, and levelheaded. It didn't matter that they weren't in the office. He felt like some degree of separation had to be maintained for... some reason. He couldn't really say why.

Perhaps he was hesitant to get involved like a friend rather than a boss because he was nervous about showing his true colors. No one aside from Lance and Stephan saw Alessandro out of Mr. Bale mode. He wasn't sure if he was ready for people to see him as himself just yet.

It was... scary to consider.

"Seems we've traded places in feeling conflicted, Andro."

The playful voice made him glance away from his book. He was so occupied by his rampaging thoughts, he hadn't noticed the other male's approach.

Lance was standing at the end of the lounge chair. Long strands of black hair bellowed around him thanks to a soft, warm breeze. Strong arms were crossed over his chest; and his weight was mostly shifted to the left. The choice of pose caused one of his hips to jut out, accentuating the natural curve of his body.

"Why aren't you enjoying the festivities? This is a 'team building retreat' after all."

"Don't really feel like it's my place."

Lance nodded while looking off to the side. Making eye contact again, he slowly pried Alessandro's hands away from his book. The novel was closed and set down next to his soda.

"Let me impart some valuable knowledge onto you, my friend," Lance said. "We're on vacation. It's the one time for people to be unapologetically stupid, reckless, and daring. It's an opportunity for Mr. Bale to rest... and for you to breathe."

Alessandro sighed. "I know- and you're right. It's just... nerve wracking to do new things."

"Guess it's fortunate that I'm here to make sure it's not as scary. It helps to have someone there for you when you have to take a leap like this. And if it's any consolation, it'll be with someone you trust."

"That's true." He looked around at the other beachgoers for a moment. "I'm just not really sure how I should go about putting Mr. Perfect on the back burner."

"...I think it'd help if you took a step back and showed people that you're just as human as everyone else."

Lance didn't explain what he meant. Instead, he sat down on the sand with his back resting against the lounge chair. A deep sigh escaped him. Slender fingers toyed with random strands of hair that fell over his shoulder. 

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