Sparks of an Ember

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Lance was gorgeous even when he slept.

Long strands of hair framed his face and covered his left ear. His eyes shifted behind closed lids; probably because of a strange or eventful dream. Delicate rays of sun kissed pale skin. It gave his features a soft highlight composed of warm yellow.

He barely moved with each even breath.

Both arms were buried beneath a pillow, so a majority of his tattoos were hidden. The position made his ribs more pronounced. It shed light on the natural curves where toned muscle met hard bone.

Black kanji symbols ran down the length of his spine. They were partially hidden by a thin blanket hanging low on his hips.

One leg was kicked straight out with the other being bent at the knee.

His inner thighs were littered with vibrant hickeys.

He wore the territorial marks beautifully.

Alessandro was quiet as he walked to the bathroom. He closed the door behind him. Chilly air against his exposed skin made him shiver. A comfortable set of loungewear was set onto the closed lid of the toilet. A soft towel joined them as well. The shower was turned on while he took the time to brush his teeth.

He almost didn't recognize himself in the mirror. The only true giveaway that it actually was Alessandro in the reflection came from his green eyes.

They didn't look as tired as they usually did.

Brunet strands of hair were flying in multiple directions, being more bunched together on the right side of his head. Faint scratch marks could be seen on his shoulders and waist. They disappeared with the natural curve of his body, most likely to be continued on his back. Based on the hardly noticeable yet invigorating sting he felt, he guessed that the marks were plentiful.

Hickeys were scattered all over his chest. The largest one sat triumphantly on the left side of his neck. It was a mixture of purple and red. Small indentations in the shapes of teeth littered the surrounding skin.

The marking would probably take some time to heal.

He didn't mind it in the slightest.

In the shower, Alessandro traced over multiple sections of his body. He could still feel phantom touches and grazes against his skin. For once, it didn't bring him any discomfort. Because those sweet touches came from someone he cared about.

It almost felt degrading to wash away any remnants of last night, but doing so was necessary. Multiple sections of skin were itchy because of a dried, peeling substance that wasn't properly cleaned up the night before.

While standing beneath the hot water, Alessandro allowed his mind to wander.

Last night was one of the most intense experiences of his life— it was just as impactful as the night he lost his virginity. Hours upon hours of time were lost on him. They were full of gentle caresses. They were full of wandering hands. They were full of hard, deep thrusts into an enveloping cavern which greedily sheathed him up to the base.

He remembered the strong grip of smaller hands as they fisted the blankets for stability. He remembered how bluish gray eyes filled with tears because of blissful overstimulation. He remembered those gorgeous, throaty begs and pleas that desperately called for more, more, more. He remembered strong legs that clung around his waist for dear life. He remembered those long, addicting, passionate kisses that left them both gasping for air.

They hadn't slept together in over a decade, but their bodies still molded together perfectly. Just like they used to.

With his thoughts racing, Alessandro's remaining shower was quick.

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