These Aren't My Shoes, But I'll Wear Them With Style

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"I don't really think there's anything to be nervous about. You're just taking a couple pictures."

"Yeah, but not all of us are natural at doing so. There's a reason I only do photo shoots, like, three times a year." Alessandro sighed while pinching the bridge of his nose.

He wasn't looking forward to returning to the office now that lunch was over. Although leaving was more a distraction than it was for eating, going to a local restaurant was actually quite pleasant; it aided in distracting him for a little while. Since the designated time slot was ending though, there was no other option but to go back to work.

Getting into the swing of things after going on vacation was hard—even if said vacation ended about three weeks ago. It was a challenge for Alessandro specifically because he was routinely approached by people in the magazine industry during this time of year. They wanted him for interviews, meet-and-greets, charity functions (which he actually loved being a part of), etc. With Bale's Path to Fashion being so well known, these types of events were expected. That wasn't why they were bothersome though.

What really irked Alessandro was having to be the face for said magazine covers.

It was an honor, of course, but that didn't mean he liked it. There was a reason he himself wasn't a model—the profession just wasn't his cup of tea.

But now that he received a request to be the face of the current year's issue of Most Influential Businessmen, for the second year in a row as well, he didn't really have a choice.

Mr. Bale wasn't the type to say no when he was needed.

Lance offered a kind smile in an attempt to quell some budding anxiety. "Well, if it's any consolation, I'll be there."

Alessandro thanked his lucky stars for that.

This was one event where he didn't get to handpick who would be posing with him during the photo shoot. To his genuine surprise, Lance had been eagerly requested to join. That probably had to do with their unnamed relationship being brought into the open. Word spread fast, and the staff for the magazine company in charge of everything probably found out.

Either way, it was relieving to know he'd be present.

"I just hope that they don't ask me to do something crazy," Alessandro added.

"I'll bitch at them for you if they do."

They both chuckled at Lance's half-serious joke.

The car was pulled into its previous parking spot and turned off. A sweet aroma of flowers hit them when they exited the vehicle.

A concrete ceiling shielded them from blinding rays of a vibrant sun. Heat was whisked away by a gentle breeze. Leaves swayed in nearby trees that sat in mounds of dirt. Other people were rushing back to their own jobs, so loud honks of car horns blared from crowded streets. Piercing noises lost their intensity when the elevator doors closed.

"Are you going to your office first?"

"Nah- there's no need. I need to stop in at the makeup department though. From there, I have to get changed in the clothing department and make my way to the photography department after."

"Guess it'll be quite the busy afternoon then. Fortunately for you, we'll be spending most of it together."

"Busy is putting it mildly, but I don't mind. Like I said before, I could always use your company."

Lance tried to hide his grin by looking off to the side. He toyed with the hem of his cotton shirt. A hand ran through his hair.

The signature gesture was used whenever he felt nervous and whenever he felt bashful—something that happened a little more often since coming back from vacation.

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