Moving forward

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[chapter 1]

He left everything for you.

The car,

The house,


The both of you hadn't had kids so you were the only person on his will. Which stated that all of his wealth, upon his death would go to you. He didn't change it. You knew this because your family lawyer was actually a good friend of yours.

You kind of wished he did.

You wished he did so you could convince your heart that he truly didn't care about you so you could heal and move on.

You gave yourself a week.

A week to mourn your loss. You made sure to call your boss and tell him that you would be unavailable for the week. You texted all your friends and told them you would be unavailable for a while. They were understanding, even told you to take all the time you needed.

And you did need the time.

You used that week to cry, wondering why all of this was happening to you. The denial. Then came the anger and the bargaining. If it weren't for the fact that you knew that you simply couldn't you would have found Nanami and forced the truth out of him. One way or the other. After that came the sadness, all you could do was cry and cry and then cry some more.

Finally, after a long week of ups and downs, came the final stage Acceptance.

With this newfound acceptance, you picked yourself up enough to turn on your phone and head to the grocery store for some comfort shopping. You didn't have much of an aim. You just wanted to get out of the house.

"You look like you've been run over by a truck. Damn."

A man clad in a white top and black pants waltzes over to you. His white hair flopped downwards, almost covering his eyes. He radiated an air of coolness. A coolness that drew women to him like moths to a flame. The only problem? His mouth.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious." You roll your eyes. "Any new deduction Sherlock?"

You didn't actually mean to be snappy. You just weren't in the mood. You rubbed your eyebrows in mild frustration.

The white-haired man ignores your obvious sarcasm and continues speaking, "Actually, I do. As an empath, I'm sensing bad vibes from you... Like you want to physically harm me. How odd."

"Gojo, I swear to Go-" Your words cling to your throat. Dying there.

You saw him.

Blonde Hair. Suit clad. Not a strand of hair out of place.

Walking past the store you were currently in. He didn't see you as he was in too much of a rush to notice your heated gaze. As he sped by you found yourself unable to tear your eyes away from his figure, Gojo's rambling quickly becoming background noise.

Nanami had always been able to pull your eyes wherever he was. Even in a crowd you still managed to pick out his figure.

He seemed to be doing well. Busy as a bee... as usual.

There was a strange feeling lodged in your chest. You were happy to see him well, and uninjured but somehow, seeing him so well left you feeling a bit lost. Maybe, deep within, you wished he was as hurt as you were. It was confusing.

"-with your silence as acceptance I'll see you at the party tonight." Gojo turned to leave with a wave.

"Wait, what?" You are pulled back to reality by Gojo making decisions without consulting anyone... Like he always does.

"Shoko. Party. Ring any bells?" He paused. The tall man turning to stare at you with his big blue eyes. Each second he keeps his eyes trained on you making you more uncomfortable.

Satoru Gojo's eyes were beautiful, with various shades of blue through white decorating it artfully, they would be the perfect as jewels in a ring of the centerpiece jewel in a tiara. They were beautiful as ornaments... not as eyes. When Gojo stared at you with those eyes it felt like he was peering at your soul. Not the most pleasant feeling.

It was so bad that you tried my best to avoid him when he was without his trademark blindfold.

Seeing that You had yet to respond, he bats his eyelids pointedly. You were almost sure his eyes could glow in the dark.

"Shoko's party? " You thought for a moment. "Let me think... Ah! It's tonight?Yes, I had promised i would stop by but..."

He silences you with a finger. "No buts. No if's. No can'ts. You're coming. "

"I don't think so, Satoru." You sigh, before elaborating for the confused man-baby. "I have a lot on my plate lately and I don't think I'm in the place for any partying."

"Having a lot on your plate IS the best reason for partying!" He winks at you, "C'mon have I ever lead you wrong? I know what you're worried about. You're worried about a certain blonde man being there... Don't worry haha. The chances he'd show up are slim to nil. I'd think you'd be the one to know him best and know that parties like the ones Shoko throws aren't his speed."

Gojo's sharpness is terrifying sometimes. It was weird. One second he acts like a total blockhead and the next second he's being serious.

You thought for a while. Going out was the perfect way to clear your head. It was already hard enough just staying inside your house. Memories filled every nook and cranny making it impossible to not think about him. You were trying to get over Nanami, not sit for hours reminiscing on what you both once had.

"I mean, what's the worst that could happen. ". The worst case scenario had a very slim chance of happening, and even if it did and Nanami somehow decided to come, you could always leave and or avoid him. Both of you were mature adults and wouldn't make unnecessary trouble for each other.

"Hehe, don't go jinxing it."

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