Small World: Neighbours

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The blood rushed to your head like a tidal wave, blurring your vision. You could feel your body being slowly lowered to the ground, the earth damp with the cool sticky feel of the monster's blood... or saliva. You couldn't tell.

Barely coherent enough to think you raise your arms, and attempt to adjust your landing position from face first to something more comfortable, grabbing a first full of grass. Surprisingly, this counterforce is what upsets the balance and sends you free-falling forward knocking the wind clear out of your lungs.

A small thud behind you lets you know that whatever was holding you up had fallen out the window too, smashing dully like a plate. It's didn't seem to have shattered and rolled and bumped into your side a familiar chill sneaking into your east and jolting you from your reverie.

Picking grass from your face you push yourself to a seated position allowing for a small potted plant to roll past your body and toward the monster's corpse.

That human-faced plant.

Subconsciously, you raise a hand to stop it from rolling into the blood but it does so anyways. With every roll covering itself more whole with the sick colored filth. When your hands reached around an inch from grasping it some invisible force seemed to propel it forward even faster into the gore.

Your eyes shifted up to the monster, a gruesome sight before back down at the plant. Even with the monster losing gallons of its pale and watery filling onto the pavement and into the grass like a faucet turned on full force. Nothing could make you mice even an inch further, even the strange connection you had with the strange plant.

You clutched your arms, which were littered with shards of glass, and took a hesitant step back.

In the dim light, you took in the boulder-sized hole in the side of your house. Nothing could make you go back in there too.

Blood tricked down your fingers which clutched your left arm

I have to get to the hospital.

Adrenaline flooded through your veins. You knew that as soon as it wore off the pain from carrying through a feat of driving out of a window. Even though your fall was cut short, before you could hit the ground, you could still feel a ring of pain around your ankle where you had hung after your fall was broken by...

You linked around coming up short...


You didn't see anything that was possibly capable of lifting a grown woman out of a window.

Anyways, it wasn't a good idea to stick around.

With conviction, you turned around to head in the direction of the nearest clinic you could think of. You weren't even sure how you'd explain that a weird thing attacked your house. Then again you weren't even sure how you'd face her after everything.

Your thoughts are interrupted by the ringing of your phone. Honestly, you didn't expect it to stay snuggly nestled in your pocket, and in functioning condition after all of your feats.

Suguru Getou?

"Hey Y/N." His voice contained the smiley charm from before. You wondered if anything could ever break his rock-hard confidence.

"Did you do that?" You came off snappy, your voice trembling a bit at the final note.

"Whatever do you think I did?"

What don't I think you did?

Something about him was off but you could never find solid evidence. It was like your instincts screamed at you with every new interaction but in a language, you couldn't quite understand. Logically, he had never done anything wrong to me, except maybe hurt my feelings with the truth

"Don't play dumb with me. There's no way you'd call at such a coincidental time if you don't know something."

"I do know something, but I haven't done anything."

"Why should I believe you?"

"Have I ever lied to you?" He flips the question back onto you.


"Say what you will and think what you want about my involvement in all this." A dramatic, yet teasing pause. "But there's one thing you must remember. I've never lied to you."

Your head throbbed just listening to him talk

"You can't deny your calling right now is highly suspicious."

"I'm just checking in on my neighbor. Surely there's no fault in that?"


For the first time, your eyes notice the smiling man directly across the street from you, decked out in traditional clothing and waving toward you.

"Are you spying on me?"

"I've lived in this area for months. Unless you believe I came here preemptively to stalk your house haha. How was I supposed to know that is bump into familiar faces here? I saw a house opening and I took it. The world sure is small isn't it?"

The way he talked seemed to pull you away from the craziness of your week. Cursed plants, monsters breaking into your house, and a gap in your memory that you never seemed to notice until it was pointed out to you. For a moment it was just you and this friendly neighbor who decided to check-in. It was just like a meet-up with an old friend. Conflicting emotions bubbled within your chest.

"It sure is small..."

"You've got quite the nasty hole in your house. Let me guess, not to friendly visitor?"

"How are you so nonchalant?"


"Do you not see the fucking abomination bleeding out on my fence? The 'nasty' hole in my house? It's the size of a fucking car. I ALMOST DIED." I yelled across the street at him. "I don't know what the fuck is going on, but I know that you do. So fill me in. You claim to have never lied to me right? So tell me what's going on."

"Would you rather shout across the street? Or maybe come inside and get your injuries treated?"

You hesitate but ultimately you decide to cross the street. Hesitantly, you took a step across the street.

an unfamiliar drag at your leg causes to look down.


A plant vine had crept around your leg without you knowing, even without turning back you know where it came from.

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