Little Girls [1]

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The world seemed to go quiet before you as you stared at the devastation before you.  Everything in your brain seemed to go quiet for a moment.  It finally occurred to you how out of your own depth you were.  Time seemed to slow down for a moment before Shoko tugged you forward abruptly, almost sending you falling flat on your face.

A giant scythe-like arm embedded itself in the wall near where you were standing.  As you look back, cold sweat immediately blossoms all over your skin.  A large towering figure stood glaring down at you.  It was of the same type of being that attacked your house.

Small bulb like eyes and legs and arms that expanded too far in the wrong angle.  The space of the hospital was too cramped and so the thing crouched, its head extending from its neck like a fifth limb.  It reminded you of the western legend of a skinwalker, with its loose and saggy skin that hugged its frame more like a blanket than an organ.  its beady eyes were fixed on you, one of its forearms embedded in the wall such that its back was facing you and its head, which was upside down smiling creepily as it muttered incoherently, a weird chewing sound escaping its lips.  You didn't dare to move and interrupt the thin balance.

You knew that as soon as you moved it would rush at you.

"Shoko..." What do we do?

Shoko, who also stood frozen beside you, whispered back. "If we run to the stairs it will bulldoze through all the humans here..."

It was then that you noticed, through the corner of your eye the people rushing to and fro in a mad panic to the stairs.  Not one of them seemed to even register the abomination before you.

The crushing reality hit you in tidal waves.  They can't even see it.

Suddenly, the monster's attention imperceptibly shifts and turns its focus upwards, its mouth peeled backwards to expose a row of jagged teeth, as it sneered at the ceiling above.

A dull thud came from above, then another, getting louder and louder each time.

Instinctively you knew what it was.  Another abomination.

You don't hesitate, grabbing Shoko and making a mad dash towards the stairs.  From afar you could see the emergency stairs crowded with people rushing down from the higher levels.  Shoko stared at you for a few seconds before speaking.

"We need to get as far away as we possibly can from this group of people and fast.  Follow me."

Before you could make sense of what she was doing, Shoko made a mad rush darting between the anxious bodies on the stairs and to the railing, before jumping down.  A chorus of screams  rang through the crowd as they witnessed her suicidal actions.  Pushing through the crowd that has devolved into even more frightful panic, you fight your way to the railing she had jumped down from with your heart in your throat.  Only to see her nonchalantly becoming for you to copy her actions and that she's catch you.

You glanced at her arms which were still clutching her ribs and her figure as she descended into another fit of coughing before suddenly coming to a realization.

Shoko Leiri is fucking insane.

The banging noises reached a crescendo behind you as the ceiling in the hallway you were just in caved in.   You barely had time to look back before the steady flow of people started devolving into a stampede like wave of pushing.

"The building is collapsing!!!" Someone cried, and the pushing immediately intensified by waves, pressing you out against the railing like a pancake, the cold iron sinking into your pelvis. 

You look backwards, trying to find a way to free yourself, but your attention is caught be the new abomination. 

A ball-like blob of fat and flesh, with human like arms and legs sprouting from its body like hairs, making its movements look like a giant ball being held up by a mixture of arms and legs, rolled around as it confronted the lanky monster from before.  A flurry of limbs commenced as both of them started fighting, the back of the lanky monster facing you in a defensive posture, but you knew that it wasn't doing so out of any goodwill, but more so out of protecting its food from being snatched.

What made your skin crawl even worse is the fact that in the middle of the crack in the ceiling, hung a little girl, around two our four years old, evidently screaming her head off but her voice was drowned by the cacophony of screams from the people around you being drowned in the mass of bodies and screaming.

The familiar feeling of a sink in your stomach appeared again, even worse as you felt your body being halved by the push of the people around you, selfishly pushing anyone they could in an attempt to escape.  Many people, clad in a white hospital gown like you were being pushed and shoved by their loved ones and even the doctors who'd pledged their lives to save them, falling under the sea of people like drowning men with nothing to grasp, one by one disappearing under the waves, most likely being trampled to death.

This scene of carnage and pain, seemed to bleed into your eyes and directly into the deepest part of your soul. 

The girl gave one last scream, her fingers evidently getting tired, and for the first time her words seemed to pierce the air waves around you.


The two monsters paused their attacks on each other, their eyes raising to take in the little human that interrupted their fight.  Their eyes shining in hunger and greed.

With a strength you never knew you, had you pushed against the stampede.  You didn't care about the monsters nor did you care about the human trash that were being squeezed into the wall by the force of your pushing.  You just pushed and pushed and pushed until you cleared the crowd, breaking into a run to catch the girl.

With athleticism you had never possessed in your life you used the fastest speed you could muster to barrelled to the falling little girl jumping onto a desk that had fallen sideways you propelled yourself into the air, grabbing the little girl and narrowly evading the surge of the skinny monster and the waves of arms from the ball abomination.

Your body, fueled by inertia, traveled in a seamless straight line, out of the hole in the side of the building and barreling straight to the ground.

It was kind of ironic, you thought as you glanced at the little girl that was scared witless within your arms, the fact that you had done so much and had probably merely extended her life by a couple more seconds.  But, maybe being flattened from falling out of a building would be better than being brutally murdered and eaten by an enemy you cannot even see.

You looked up at the sky as your eyes started to close, a feeling of overwhelming tiredness overcoming you.  As you fell from the sky like a falling star.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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