The Seal

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Gojo's POV (continued)

"So why use this ancient curse on Y/N. " I paused for a moment my mind whirring as I pondered. "What's there to gain in all of this.."

Shoko also goes silent. Her little jotter pad sitting before her, full of markings and cross-referencing. As a competent doctor she could be seen with it everywhere. In thought she taps it against her right hand, looking at it but at the same time her mind probably miles away.

We sit in silence listening to the whirring of the fan before Shoko pulls her cloak tighter and reaches over to turn off the fan by flipping the switch beind her. The whirring sound loosing speed, spinning slower, and slower, and slower.

Then it hits me.



"The fucking seal. Of course, it's the seal." I almost grab my hair from sheer frustration, springing from my seat as the ramifications start hitting me. My fingers which had been carelessly playing with my blindfold pausing. I didn't usually wear the blindfold when on personal business, such as a normal check-in with an old-time friend. But being back at the school i had gone to retrieve it in case i had to leave on a mission. Most things in this place were time-sensitive.

"He's going after the seal." I breathed out a shaky breath. My conviction firm, even though it was just a guess. It was the only thing that had made sense, yet it was the last thing that i wanted to be happening. Out of all my possible conjectures, this was the most disastrous, and the fact that it was a possibility was a horror in itself.

"So that means the curse wave..." Shoko curses under her breath, before reaching into her pocket and sticking a peice of gum into her mouth. Faintly, i could see her fingers shaking. As a doctor, the appearance of the curse wave stretched her impossibly thin. Sometimes, id even catch a whiff of cigarette smoke when she walked by.

Tokyo was being washed by a wave of curses attracted here by an unknown yet powerful source. The entire school was stretched thin running about like headless flies popping the flare-up of curse-related incidents without ever getting any clues about the direct cause of it. Even out of commision sorcerer's like Gran had to have been called back from their outposts.

The only clues that we had so far were that the curses seemed organized. An odd thing to say about literal harbingers of chaos but it was the truth. Some level of organization was present within the curses and was directing their attacks in a pattern that seemed to suggest that they were searching for something. The amount of sorcerer death had stayed rather stable for the curse per sorcerer ratio within the city, which was much higher than it usually was because of the number of curses rushing in like a tidal wave, but what was strange was that it seemed that the family member's of sorcerers were being pulled into this mess.

Anyone who was found in close proximity to a sorcerer would be attacked within 24 hours.

Realizing this, the vigilance of all jujutsu sorcerers peaked and the attacks became less and less frequent, plateauing last month.

Last Month...

Last month?

"Shoko." My voice shook a bit, "When was your party? Last month right?"

She looked at me in mild confusion. The dark blue under her eyelids was even more obvious.

"Yeah, why?" she glanced behind me at the little calendar I had placed on the desk. Her shift left her staying inside for extensive periods, blurring the lines between different days and weeks. A souvenir I had bought when traveling. "The 25th. The turnout was a little unexpected, I guess it's because many people had returned to Tokyo on short notice because of the curse wave."

"Because of the Plateau, most people were free enough to go to your party and felt comfortable bringing non-sorcerer friends, providing the perfect cover for Suguru to sneak in and drug Y/N. The most dangerous place is often the safest. He snuck into a room full of sorcerers to carry out his plan knowing we'd be complacent." I clenched my fist. "Did he do it as a blatant provocation? Is this a part of some elaborate scheme?"

"It's possible that he didn't know where Y/N was. Not many people are privy to the location of the Sealed. She never intercepts anything in the sorcerer world either, except well... Nanami, and us. Gran too but he's never in one place too long and is virtually untraceable even by some higher ups." Shoko spoke her conjectures with a tone of solemnity. The direness of this situation hung over the room like a tidal wave. "The seal makes her invisible to most curses. Nanami left because he knew that his presence could undermine this invisibility, only that the lack of his presence was also an emotional trigger, the perfect catalyst for the Love Curse."

What a manipulative move.

The curse wave was a two-edged sword. A tool to get a cautious man such as Nanami to choose abandonment as a way to keep Y/N safe.

"We should warn him," Shoko says suddenly. "As the primary catalyst of the love curse his presence might exacerbate it to the point that Y/Ns seal might explode. Y/N's body is a battlefield right now with the loosening seal and the love curse running amok."

This seal was the work on countless Sorcerers banding together to forcefully suppress he eruption of a force wihin Y/N's body and with it sealing her memories. The more she digs to restore it, the faster the erosion of the seal. If a seal forged by sorcerer's energy and the powerful force were to erupt... It could possibly level Tokyo.

I reach for my phone, calling Nanami. The doots tearing through the heavy silence of the room.

Doot... Doot.... Doot....

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