The Plan [2]

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Shoko say up on the bed her eyes shining a bit under the light.  Cars were still flocking by, mostly the nightly rush of traffic.  From her seat she could see the building opposite. While the building itself was decently lit, the ground floor was pitch black, almost invisible if not for the light from the cars passing by.  She was the only one enjoying this atmosphere though, as as soon as Nanami left the room for some air, she could tell the white haired man has a lot in his chest he had been holding.

Gojo looked at her deeply for a moment before sighing,  pulling a chair close to himself before sitting in a straddling position.  "So while you're having your friendly debriefing with her you want me to act as guard?   Swooping in in case anything goes wrong.  Also is the hospital the best place to have this conversation?"

"Are suggesting that we wait for her condition to get worse?  She's already capable of small scale eruptions and we don't know how fast the curse is progressing.  There's a chance that if we talk to her at any later, she'll directly erupt under a bout of suspicion."  Shoko shrugs a bit before making air signals with her hand as she illustrated the situation. "And it's not swooping in in case something happens.  It's swooping in when something happens."

The room swiftly plunges into silence as footsteps draw near.  The door doesn't open however.  It wasn't Nanami.

"I still haven't forgiven you for deciding to answer her call in the middle of the night, knowing that...this". You point at her weakened figure on the bed.  "Could happen.  You should've called me."

Shoko waved him off with her hand before patting where her pockets would be.  Gojo's eyes narrowed but he doesn't say a word.

"I knew what I was doing."  Shoko sighs before placing her hands on her chest once more channeling her energy, even then she refuses to back down. "Plus, even if I had called you nothing would have changed.  At least I automatically heal if im not one shot, you however getting hurt in any way would immediately draw attention.  Especially a soul injury like this.  Do you really think she wouldn't sense if you were to get close to her with infinity on now?"

Gojo sank a bit into the chair. His voice barely above a whisper . "I shouldn't have let him go.  I should have done something.  Maybe if I'd... I don't know restrained him, we could've ended this but I hesitated."

Shoko went silent for a moment, measuring her words before deciding to reassure him.  "One can never truly know whether our decisions were mistakes... but I think you made the right call getting Y/N out of there was a good call."

"Last time I made the right call that Fushiguro bastard disappeared."  Unconsciously, Gojo felt his fingers clench.

"This is different."

"It's not."

The air turns stale for a moment.  Before Shoko resumes the same hacking cough that grated Gojo's nerves every time he heard it.  He gave her a sidewards glance of disapproval.

"What? It's not like I'm dying. " Shoko waved her hand dismissively. "Actually maybe I am.  I need a cigarette."


"Like you're one to talk??"


Nanami clutched the steering wheel as he dialed Gojos number again.  The road was mostly empty at this time, the nighttime rush had long faded away.  He cursed under his breath as it immediately goes to voicemail.

There was no way he'd believe that phony escuse that, "Shoko and Y/N just happened to meet when Y/N blew a seal and landed them both in a hospital". He wondered which third grader came up with that escuse... it was probably Gojo wasn't it.

His fingers shook a bit on the steering wheel as his thoughts inevitably returned to Y/N.  The was nothing that scared him more than her memories.  It was almost comical how just a simple sentence of doubting her present one's almost sent the man to his knees before her. 

"It's funny how a good thing never lasts, huh."  Nanami said to no one in particular.

These years of peace with her safe and away had seemed like a dream to him.  She was the happiest she had ever been and could ever be when she was away from the jujutsu world.  Yet now some scheme had dragged her straight back into the center of it.

He couldn't allow it to happen. Even it killed him, he'd keep her safe.  That was his duty.  That was his love for her.

He mentally weighed his options. 

Knowing Gojo, his first reaction would be to try find the old man near the jujutsu cemetery.  The only man's ability was perfect for keeping the restless spirits of sorcerers who were killed in battle.  Due to the nature of our work our souls never seemed to rest quite the same way as ordinary people and could easily turn into cursed spirits, and coincidentally, it was the farthest from where Master Tengen resided.  If one couldn't find Gran there then it was often impossible to find him.

But Nanami knew where else Gran could be.  The only place he would ever be.

The largest graveyard of them all.

Writing romance is so hard TTT.  I've never been in a relationship in my life what is this madness.

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