The Hangover

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You wake up dumped over a couch like a sack of potatoes, your back hurting like you'd been carrying the world.

Disoriented you sit up and look around. Your mind was working at a snail's pace. After a good few minutes of listening to the whir of the fan, you finally become conscious enough to realize that you were not in your own house.

Shoko walked into the room. A cigarette in her mouth. When she noticed you staring at her dumbly walked into the kitchen and tossed it into the sink.

She was supposed to have stopped years back. Guess old habits were hard to kick.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like shit but I'll live"

"Understandable. You passed out after projectile vomiting on Gojo." Shoko chuckles a bit as she rubs her forehead. "I'll get you something for the headache."

"The headache?" You looked at her in pointed confusion.

"Yeah... You're hungover, aren't you? You were drunk out of your mind, you even fainted a few hours later. I have some pain killers in the cupboard."

"I'm really fine... My head doesn't hurt."

Shoko pauses, her expression serious. She walks over and places a hand on your forehead.

"You were so drunk you passed out. It doesn't make sense for you to not have a hangover." Doctor Shoko was making her appearance. It was the only time i ever saw Shoko look so excited. She had always had a very morbid curiosity which was why i don't understand why she became a doctor instead of a mortician. I guess maybe i had misjudged her.

Shoko switches the hand that she was pressing on your forehead.

Unexpectedly you twitched backward after you felt her hand meet your forehead. "Your hand is cold. Did you handle ice or something before you came over here?"

Her hand felt like it had been dipped in ice water, devoid of any heat, like you'd imagine a dead person's hand felt.

Shoko looked at you for a few seconds with an expression you couldn't quite place. It was strange and confusing. A few seconds passed like this.

"Is not having a hangover a bad thing?" The way she was looking at you made you feel funny. She was looking at you like you were a terminally ill patient.

She snaps out of it and regains a smile. "I was just trying to figure out how you did it. Every time i get as drunk as you were it's hell the next day."

Shoko walks towards the kitchen.

"I didnt do anything off yesterday. I went to the bar first thing." You thought for a moment, sorting out your thoughts in your mind. "And there was this bartender. He introduced me to a mix he said that he made himself. It was so good, but strong... hella strong-"

"A mix?" Shoko's voice echoes from within the kitchen, the sound of something frying coming from within the kitchen.

"Yeah... What did he call it again? I think he called it 'The love curse'... It sounded cooler when he said it."

Shoko's voice comes out from the kitchen. "A curse?!"

You thought she didnt hear you and thus corrected her. "Not "a curse", Its called "the love curse". I can faintly remember what he looked like. He had a horrid-looking scar. It was across his forehead."

As if on cue a shattering sound echoes from the kitchen.

You try to stand to your feet but in your haste to stand you start seeing dots in your vision.

"Shoko?" You call out, confused.

"Dont worry Y/N." Shoko walks out the kitchen her face pale... Paler that it usually was that was. "I just remembered there's something i need to do... urgently. I'll be right back."

And just like that she grabbed her keys and left.


Gojo sat on the couch as I sat to the side filing. I wasn't too sure why he was there... Not that i was ever sure why Gojo Satoru did anything he ever did. He didn't open his mouth though, so i felt that i could do my part and ignore his presence and ever-beeping phone.

I was filing down a curse. One that i had never seen before, nor had anyone else i had asked. The higher up's were interested in this find, which was one of many in a growing surge of strange curses in the area. With their growing interest i was soon placed in charge of what the called "internal sorting'. A pretty name for filing. The selfsame reason i left my last job to return here.

Gojo's phone rings. At first i had thought it was an add but when i heard the words start to repeat themselves i realized his phone was ringing. It was sometimes hard to tell when Gojo's phone was ringing. He had different ringtones for different people.

"Hey Shoko," He drawls. It was a thing he did. It annoyed everyone, but he seemed to find amusement in everyone elses discomfort.

"Not the time, Gojo. It's about Y/N." I could hear Shoko from all the way across the room. On a normal day i would've thought that Gojo was just trying to annoy me by having his phone that loud, but now that i had my earphones in, nothing was playing but he didnt know that, and he kept his phone that loud. I realized that it was just a Gojo thing to do.

"Y/N? Has she finally remembered what has happened last night and wants to apologize?"


My hands pause my writing as my attention is drawn to the conversation behind me. I couldn't help it really.

"Get over yourself, Satoru." Shoko cursed, "Where are you?"

At Jujutsu High. What's up? You're making me nervous, ha." Gojo twiddles with his coffee cup.

"I cant say it over the phone. Just left my house. I'll be there in 5."

"Huh? But dont you live-"

The disconnect tone sounds.

"-10 minutes away." Gojo finishes.   


        Hey... I'm alive!  Surprising, I know.  Considering the fact i haven't updated in months.  he he he...

Anywayssssssss., enjoy the chapter, and have a wonderful week!

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