The Absence of Truth is also a Lie

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You rose to your feet shakily.

"Gojo," You decided to give it a chance, maybe Getou was lying... somehow. You did not know this man and all of a sudden he coincidentally waltzed into your life, uprooting years of relationships. I should give Gojo a chance. Give Nanami a chance. Maybe there's a reasonable reason for this. Maybe this was all a misunderstanding.

You had known your friends for years and they have been nothing but trustworthy. You didn't want to give that up for just paranoia. You took one last glance at the plant before turning towards Gojo. It was a choice and you knew it. But you believed in your friends, you believed in Nanami.

Just don't lie to me.

Tell me the truth.

You weren't sure how you'd take it if years of your life were nothing more than just a lie.

"What aren't you telling me?" Tell me now or forever hold your peace. Please.

He pauses for a loaded second, and in that second you realized how much of an idiot you were. Getou was right, you were naïve. "What are you talking about?"



You reached for the plant and hugged it close to your chest.

Strangely, this time, the plant did not react to a strong emotional change of yours, maybe, for once, it decided that the feelings or hurt in your heart should not be broadcasted to the world.

Or maybe it had felt like your choice. Between Suguru and Geto, believing in your feelings and trusting Nanami, and severing ties with the people who caused your pain. Between love and hate.

Between the good you knew and the evil, you didn't quite understand.

But what was good? Lies? Deceit? Hurt? Were your friends watching you suffer from the hurt of your divorce and just compliantly watching it happen? Or your husband divorcing you on a whim.

At least in "evil", you felt understood. You knew you couldn't completely trust Suguru, but at least with him you were told the truth rather than strung around like some toy.


You followed Gojo away, back along the route to the bakery. He was jabbering, you realize, but you ignored every word he said almost reflexively. It was easy to do as you were walking behind him, cradling the plant like a baby. Amidst the hot heaty anger and disappointment you felt the chilly cool of the plant worked wonders. Wordlessly he entered and you shortly afterward, the bell chiming. Honestly, it felt less like a chime and more like a giggle at the awkward situation.

Out of childish pettiness, though, you sat around the counter and swiveled your chair so your back was facing him. I unpacked the box of freshly labeled cups. You didn't need to, but you made yourself appear busy. You needed space to think.

"How do you know Suguru Geto, Y/N?"


Take the hint Gojo. Leave.

"This isn't the time for this, Y/N. He's a horrible person. He lies and cheats to get his way. You shouldn't believe a word he says." Gojo continues.

Fucking hypocrisy.

You clench your fist a little at an angle he couldn't see.

"Gojo." You start.

"So now you want to acknowledge me-"


It was only then that the severity of your tone managed to reach him.


No extra words. Nothing.

He ignores you, of course, he does. Do Y/N's thoughts and feelings matter? Of course not.

"Y/n listen to me."

You turn around, eyes ablaze with a nameless rage. "If you don't fucking step out the door then so help me God."


He just stared at you. Shock? Bewilderment? Or realization? You were sure what his expression meant, you were too upset to care.

You weren't usually like this. Never even was much of the cursing type either.

You were a mild-tempered young lady in her twenties born to two young lovers who cherished their only daughter dearly. You grew older and decided to work in a lush little bakery. Married your high school sweetheart and lived a picture-perfect life. Then suddenly it wasn't.

Everything crumbled.

And they just sat there and watched. Stared even.

It was laughable.

Getou was right.

They did lie to you.

I cannot trust them.

With the thought in mind, you opened your mouth once more. You could barely think over the rage bubbling within you.

"You know what. Do whatever you want to. Who am I to care?" A laugh bubbled out of you. "Who am I to tell you to leave? What right do I have to tell you anything? Nanami's wife? We're divorced. A friend? Which friend sits and watches their friend go through a divorce in confusion when you know damn and well what's happening. I know you know Gojo. Do not try to bullshit me."

You were so mad that you couldn't help but laugh at the sheer absurdity.

"What, you wanted to warn me about Getou right? This silly little Y/N who can't hope to dream to handle the truth of her own divorce cannot dare to hope to be able to think for herself and sort truth from lies for herself."

"You know that isn't true. Y/N we care about you. You know this. Are you really willing to throw everything away over what someone said?" His voice was raised over the regular octave, and for one of the first times since you've met him he sounded completely serious. "He's using you. Can't you just trust us? Just this once?"

You stared at him, and for a moment you could feel he was asking it more than what was being said at face value, almost intuitively.

Would you trust your friends who have been loyal to you except the fact that you can't trust them to be honest with you or do you put your faith in the unknown which has proven nothing but aboveboard with you? Can you still trust the person you had decided to spend your life with even after he left you in the cold?


An update!  Yay!

Thank you to everyone who leaves their little comments and their votes!  And to all the people that have shared my story to their reading lists!  

Also thanks to everyone who's left direct messages (or whatever they're called here on Wattpad) of encouragement!  It really means a WHOLE lot to me.

I've been trying to up my update schedule (as I'm sure most of my longtime readers can see)  and so far so good.   The plot thickens and so has my little jotter paper stack that I keep all my ideas for this fic on.  Is that a good thing, yes? But for my emotions not so much.   

I've also been trying to keep all my characters true to life in a way (heavy on Getou).  I hope that shines through.

Have a great week everyone!

After The Divorce ||  Nanami Kento || JJKOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora