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You weren't sure how you left the bakery.

Tears stung at your eyes and between all the blur you could barely see where you were going. If you weren't careful you would careen off the sidewalk and into the road.

You sped towards your home, which wasn't too far away, by foot but every second felt like ages with every step you took.

Were you making too much of a big deal of everything?

Your emotions had been like a livewire ever since the divorce. You thought that giving yourself a week to breathe could be your cure-all but still, it seemed like you couldn't come to terms with everything, falling into a paranoid spiral that you couldn't seem to get past. You were aware that you were being paranoid, but still, the fact that your gut feeling might be right. That all of these people had betrayed you was too much to ignore. Too much to look past.

Why was this happening now?

Getting embroiled with a person like Suguru Getou was one of the last things you wanted to do. He was too indifferent, too nonchalant. He had this air about him an air that made your instincts scream danger, and yet he seemed to be the only one you could trust. These feelings weren't backed by particular events. You weren't even sure whether they were even your own feelings with the strange bond you had formed with the human-faced plant, which seemed to be able to spred its own feelings to you.

What was even happening?

From a simple instance as turning up to Shoko's party; meeting Suguru Getou, and your life was rear-ended. Cursed energy? Fucking plants with emotions? And the weird possessiveness that overcame you whenever Gojo went near the plant. You could feel that the plant was in danger, like the instinct of a mother to protect her child. Nothing was making sense. The fact that Suguru knew Gran, Gojo, and even detailed knowledge of your marriage, and yet you seemed to know nothing of him.

But the most pressing thing on your mind was what Geto had said.

"...your ex-husband. Did he ever tell you what he does for a living?"

You had never thought of that. You had never asked. But how does a wife not know what her husband is doing for work? How did I not know? Why did I not see anything wrong? I had never even thought of the fact that I didn't know. It was honestly insane, what if he was a killer, or a drug dealer, or anything really? You wouldn't know. You'd never known.

Tears continued to flow from you like a waterfall as you were forced to stop at the crosswalk. The green light searing its way through your tears and into your eyes. A deep-rooted confusion overcame you like a tidal wave. Nothing was making sense.

Your heart twisted within you.

Something was very very wrong with the whole lot of people. Nanami, Gran, Shoko, and Suguru. Something was terribly wrong.

A force that you couldn't quite explain forced your eyes upwards. Your heart fell to your stomach.


He stood on the opposite side of the road separated from you by only the crosswalk and the cars speeding between you. What type of twisted joke was fate playing to have the both of you meet at such a time?

He could see your figure shaking from the sobs that had once racked your body. Wide-eyed and mute as your makeup left stains on your cheeks. Your overall complexion pallid, sickly looking. He wanted to say something, maybe shout words of concern across the busy street, but something in your eyes stopped him.


Your lips parted, and a word left your lips. Barely louder than a wiper yet the words seemed to have wings as they flew over the moving vehicles and across the road and slammed into the man's heart.

With a flicker, the traffic lights turned yellow.


Why did he leave you?

Why did he never tell you anything?

Why was all of this happening?

Why did you never suspect the fact that you didn't know obvious things about him?

Why were you involved in all of this?


Finally, the traffic lights turned red as everything pulled to a stop. The road between you finally becoming clear. Yet the distance between you both never seemed farther apart.


"So it's confirmed that it's Suguru that was a the party?" I asked Shoko.

"Yup, and plus the fact that he met up with her today it's pretty much confirmed that it's him."

Shoko lights the cigarette between her fingers but doesn't put it into her mouth. Instead, she just stares at the flame for a second. "I did a little digging on the pretty little concoction he gave Y/N the 'love curse' thing."

"Did you find anything?" I asked, "I asked around about the sorcerer's database and came up empty. We have no files on a curse under that name."

"That's simply because 'the love curse' is only an alias. Its name is documented in Latin, loosely translated to "the King's Poison". A really hard sonovabitch to find, let me tell you, mostly because of how innocuous the poison was. Records on the poison are few and far between. Honestly, if the name wasn't such a big tip-off I'd have never found it."

As i listened to Shoko speak a word stuck out to me. "Poison?"

"It might as well be. It stirs the user's emotions and increases paranoia, especially towards love, and then exacerbates it and fills it with negative emotions, making the user become warier of affection and any type of goodwill. With this curse, the user becomes more and more negative attracting more and more cursed energy and thus their luck worsens and more negative things start to happen in their life. Thus a never-ending cycle a feedback loop from hell of doubting love and life until the user succumbs to the curse and stamps out all love in their own life." Shoko takes a long drag from the cigarette. "This poison was mostly used on kings, most of them ultimately ending up dead."


"They killed their own allies thus giving their enemies, and most likely their poison-er the opportunity to finish them off."

"How the hell did Suguru Getou get his hands on that stuff?"

"Good question."


It's been a while.  Hasn't it?

Thank you to everyone and their continued support and well wishes!  It really means a lot to me.  truly!

Your words have been an anchor for me to continue posting even when I'm unable to for a very long while due to irl stuff or just a lack of motivation.  It means a lot to me!

also, a point of information,

I'm unsure about whether most of my readers are anime-only or manga readers and so ill state this here in the least spoiler-ey way I can.    

They don't know about Kenjaku. 

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