Chapter 46

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I closed my eyes ready to feel the pain.
And then I heard two bullets shot.
But when I didn't feel anything for sometime, I opened my eyes to see Jimin standing infront of me. He had his body leaned forward, and when I looked at his stomach, blood was oozing out of it.

I quickly held him and he slowly kneeled down, then eventually laid down.

I tried putting pressure on the wound so that it'll lessen the blood flow and Jimin groaned in pain as I did that.

"It'll get better, just stop moving." I said to him.

I looked around my surrounding to see man running to his car with a wounded arm which I think Jimin did.

I took the gun from Jimin's hands and shot at the now moving away car's tyres. And as it hit the tyre, the driver lose control and hit a tree nearby.

quickly came out of the car started shooting at me. I somehow managed to dodge everything as some unknown rage was there in me that was making me to eagerly punch the life out of this man.

I got close to him then got his gun out of his hands, elbowed his torso, punched on his face and shot at both of his legs with his gun.

Jaereum screamed in pain as I stepped on his legs. I needed a phone and he had one. I took out the phone and quickly went to Jimin who was still bleeding.

"Hey what's-what's Jin's number?" I asked, while holding Jimin up. "38451-" He said, but got interrupted by the man, moving and trying to drag himself away.


I was angry and I don't know why.

Jimin continued and I dialled the number.

Someone picked up.
"He-hello? Jin? Please trace this number and find us. Jimin got shot and is bleeding badly. We are somewhere in the jungle. Please hurry up." I blurted out in one breath.
"Okay okay just take care of him." Jin cut the call.

Great!! What a luck!! I need to take care of the Great Jimin now!

Jimin groaned again, diverting my attention to him.

"Just-just open your shirt." I said to him. "What?" He frowned at my statement.

"Just do as I say! Open your damn shirt!" I practically opened his shirt, nearly ripping it off in hurry.

I quickly tied it around his waist, to cover his wound. And also made a tight knot to which he responded with a small whimper.

"Can't you just shut up! It's a freaking bullet shot, you WILL feel pain. Stop whimpering."

Honestly speaking, his groans and whimpers were the ones that were making me worry. Like I am totally okay with him getting a shot, because he's my enemy and that's what I should be feeling right now, but just looking at him makes me worry about him, which I should not.

"You're worried about me?"He gave a smirk.

Did he just smirk at me!? Oh hell no!

I just glared at him and then went to the car's trunk to see if there was extra tyres. But as it was expected from my luck, there were no extra tyres.

In frustration I just shot another bullet at the man, in his right leg.

Anyone who's normal, would have obviously fainted after seeing the amount of blood that was around here. I was not normal.

Just then I remembered, that I could be free. I could run away from Jimin. Then get him caught too.
I looked at the phone in my hands. It had full network and I could call my force to get me out of here.
But when I looked back at Jimin, I just didn't wanted to get myself freed. I just wanted to stay, stay for sometime more, even if it meant more pain and torture.

I don't freaking know what I'm feeling now. But I had to make choices and I did. I called my force.
I didn't wanted to get Jimin caught now. Because he's wounded, he weak right now, even though he won't admit that. And getting him arrested now, will mean getting him much more closer to death than he already is.

Politicians, the police department, his rivals are waiting to see his death body and I can't let that happen, atleast I don't want that now. If he gets arrested, he'll obviously be encountered on the way.

All these thoughts were interrupting me, but I eventually dialled.
Call picked up
"Hello? It's me Y/n. Trace this call. I'm stuck at this jungle."
"Yes. I'm on it ma'am." All that was heard from the other end, then it got cut.

I took one last gaze at the laying form of Jimin and went to him.

He had a questioned look, "Who did you just call?"

I was placing the gun in his hands.

"My force. They'll be here soon, so get out of here as soon as someone come to your rescue."

I knew his gang members were going to get here sooner, it was obvious, it was not the first time. The gang leader was in danger.

"You think you can escape from my dungeon?" He got angry.

"Looks like that to me though." I lifted my hands up, waving at him.

I moved back and checking at the other man who just looked more than death but still alive.

"Y/n. Remember that you can't escape me." He pointed the gun at me, "Stop or I'll shoot you."

"You would've done it by now if you wanted too. Adios." I said and ran off into the jungle.

"Y/N!! COME BACK!!" I heard him screaming after I left.

I really didn't wanted to leave him in that state but if by chance my team gets here sooner and finds me, they'll find him too, so I needed to find my team first myself.

The pain in my head was just starting to get more so I had to get out of this jungle or find myself help before I faint somewhere in the jungle, waiting for a beast to devour me, but I bet that beast also wouldn't be more dangerous than Park Jimin, so better die due to some beast attacking me, than in the hands by Park Jimin.
By the way he screamed at me, while he was in pain, I know I'm getting myself in a very very big problem, and if he finds me, I'm just dead.

I tried getting my way out of this place as the sun was slowly setting, which will be making things alot more complicated.

I just hoped no one from my team finds Jimin, and no one from his gang finds me.

Just this time, I wished my luck was good. Like how bad can it really be?


She finally escaped him, but let's see how long. 😏

I hope you liked this chapter, and if you did please vote it.
I hope you had an amazing day.
Please take care of yourself and be healthy.
Love ya~

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