2|| Everything is Impossible

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A few months go by and now it is Christmas Break. If anything, I am more obsessed with Dean.

Because my mom is my best friend, I look to her for help. I'm scared to admit the feelings I have for Dean, because in the past she has called him a "douchebag". My mom is something else.

If she says that she doesn't want me to date him, then that will just make it more fun when I do.

So, I'm going to tell her today. I am. I think I am.

We are in the car coming back from lunch; I go ahead and decide to tell her.

After a few minutes of silence, I work up the courage to speak. "Mom, I just saw Dean posted on Instagram, look how different he looks!" I show my mom the picture of Dean.

"Who's that?" My mom says.

"It's Dean!" I sound confident, but in all honest I'm nervous.

"He's cute?!" She says in a shocked voice.

What?! I didn't expect that response from her at all.

"I know, right?!" I agree with her.

"Maybe you could date him?" She offers up.

What? Am I in the twilight zone? I have to be. Just before this summer, she called him a douchebag. What changed?

"Yeah, that's true" I respond trying to play it cool.

The rest of the car ride home we talk about him and what he's up to.

As soon as I get home, I immediately call my best friend (yes, a one-sided relationship, but give me a break, it's all I have). I tell her what my mom said and she's just as surprised as I am.

Don't get me wrong, I love forbidden love, that's probably what attracted me to him in the first place. But I know my mom is usually right in these situations and it relieved me hearing her say that.

After I end the call with my friend, I go back to my mom because she used to be quite the player herself. She had any guy she wanted. Her advice is usually pretty good, I just have to remind her that social media and phones are a thing.

Her and I discuss how I could DM Dean and Andrew on instagram to tell them I miss them and when they get back that everyone needs to get together.

I also had to message Andrew because Dean unfollowed me. If I DM'd him only, I would go to his "request" box on Instagram so he may never see my text. So, I message them in a group.

Me: "Hey guys! I hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving! Let me know if y'all get together over Christmas Break. I'd love to see everyone!"

Andrew: "We will come to your house then go get some food"

"I also love and respect that Athena is reaching out, Keith could never!"

Me: Sounds good! Just like old times!"

That's all that was said. That damn Dean didn't respond, it just shows he viewed the message.

But I suddenly see a friend request...

"Holy shit, Dean followed me back!" I squeal like a little girl.

Damn, I hate having crushes. I always feel so in love over anything and everything.

I go tell my mom and she is just as excited for me as I am.

I'm going to see him! I am going to make this happen!

A few weeks go by and they are now back in town. I have Andrew's snapchat location so I stalk him knowing that Dean is probably with him.

I always wondered why they started hanging out without my brother. Keith has become antisocial and it's messing with my love life. I need to fix this.

I hear Keith telling my mom that him and the guys are going to the movies. This is my shot!

I subtly ask if I can go and he says that it would be fine if I went. I love my brother.

I go to the gym extremely nervous and I try to do my workout as quick as possible. I felt so nervous but also excited because I've wanted to see Dean for the past few months.

I finish my workout early and get ready for the movie. I am struggling to even put my makeup on because my hands are shaking so much.

I walk out of my room and head to the living room, where my brother looks no where near ready.

Sure enough my mom tells me secretly that he didn't book the seats in time and that there are no available seats for Keith and I.

My heart breaks a little but I know there will be more opportunities to see him. This just wasn't the time I guess.

A few days go by and I haven't heard from Andrew or my brother about anyone hanging out.

It's Wednesday night, about 8:00 P.M. and I go on Snapchat ready to stalk Andrew. Sure enough, all of the guys are out eating at their favorite restaurant. But my brother? He's at home.

I can't help but wonder if Andrew didn't tell my brother, but I dismiss that thought and message Andrew privately a few hours later.

It was short and sweet basically reminding him of my existence.

Left on read.

For two weeks.

What an asshole.


I know this was quick but it is really just a filler chapter.

I want to write smut... It might be sooner than y'all think *sly smirk*.

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