4|| Distressed and Damned

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"Dean texted me back!" I say as loud as I possibly can.

Amanda, Emma, and a few other girls I've never seen before run into the bedroom I'd be staying in.

"What did he say?" I hear a few of them ask.

"I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't open it yet." Maybe I need another shot before I face rejection.

"Oh, just open it you big baby!" Amanda urges, her voice slurred voice.

"Okay, okay." I finally cave after a few minutes.

Dean: Hey Athena! Thanks for letting me know! I'll try to make it:)

I couldn't tell yet if he was rejecting me, but this is the first time we've actually communicated in years. I ran into his parents a few months ago— I blush at the memory of his mom telling me "You look so beautiful".

A part of me wanted to tell her "Thank you future mother-in-law", but I obviously didn't say that.

"What should I say? Should I respond or just leave him on read?" I babble nervously, trying not to feel the slight effects of the alcohol working.

"Just say 'great!' or 'sounds good!' because you don't want to sound too desperate." One of the random girls recommend.

I decided to comply after all of the other girls nodded their heads in agreement that it would be a good response.

Me: Sounds good!

I put my phone down and tell the girls all about him and how dreamy he looks.

"Well, this is it. I may see the love of my life tonight." I say dramatically to Amanda.

"And I will be having the best drinks of my life! Who knows, maybe I'll find a cute frat boy!" Her and her frat boys.

Amanda is a more risque version of me. I am a complete virgin who's never even kissed a guy. It's probably because I've had high standards. High enough to probably make me die a virgin.

Amanda on the other hand doesn't worry as much, she is very loyal but also has a new boyfriend every month, and she's just a fun person to be around.

I wish I could be more like her, but as much as I hate it, my anxiety gets the best of me sometimes. That's why I like Dean so much. He is a fun, free-spirit. Maybe he could free me from my mind and help me let loose.

"Athena!" Amanda playfully pushes my arm trying to get me back to reality.

"You're always in your head too much! Here have another shot!" She says slurred. This girl is really trying to get me drunk.

I accept the shot because I am no where near drunk, and if I see Dean, I'll need to have a lot more courage.

About an hour passes by and the party had started. Music is blaring and if I hadn't already had a bit too drink, I would need to now. All the people around me made me realize how hard it would be to actually find Dean if he came. But for the first time, I just let everything go and tried to have a good time.

I walk around trying to find someone I know, but all I pass is unfamiliar faces and guys hitting on me. A part of me hated it, but the egotistical part and drunk part of me loved it.

I walk outside trying to get some fresh air, which is pointless considering there's more people outside than there is inside. I had a few more drinks and I was definitely drunk at this point. I didn't realize the jungle juice I was drinking was so strong.

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