18|| Miscommunication

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"WHAT?" I practically scream out. My eyes widen in shock as I look between Amanda and Andrew.

There's no way. I don't believe it.

Andrew? She's dating Andrew?! Why can't this motherfucker just evaporate? I internally roll my eyes and sigh.

"What's the big deal?" Amanda says looking at me like I'm crazy.

"I just thought you had better taste, that's all." I shrug, trying to hide my disgust, but still making my point.

I hadn't seen Andrew since he kissed me. I still feel sick to my stomach thinking about that.

"Athena! Don't be rude!" Amanda walks over to Andrew, kissing him on the lips. Ew.

Andrew looks like he wants to say something, but my glare makes him realize I could easily tell Amanda about what happened. She knew some random guy that I've known forever kissed me and that Dean took care of it, she just didn't know who.

"Baby." Dean says while tilting his head at me, discreetly telling me I need to change my attitude.

I walk out of the room needing to breathe, leaving the drunk and now confused guys behind. Dean follows right behind me, and pulls me into the laundry room.

"Hey, what's going on with you?" He asks with his eyes full of concern. He cups my face, tilting my head to meet his.

"Are you kidding? The guy that kept us from seeing each other, the guy that treated me like shit because he couldn't deal with his emotions, the guy that forcefully kissed me and may have tried to do more had you not been there, is making out with my best friend in the other room." I quietly shriek out.

"Why are you even still friends with him?" I ask softly, but my eyes are full of curiosity.

"Because I've known him forever. I can't just throw him out of the group because he did a few weird things." He says removing his hands from my face.

"You mean like what you did with my brother? Except it wasn't even my brother's fault. Y'all just needed someone to cast the blame on because you are all immature assholes who can't take responsibility for yourselves." Dean's face immediately reveals guilt.

I storm out of the laundry room, and run up the stairs just wanted to hide in my bed.

Yeah, the Andrew situation wasn't great, but what made it worse is that Dean is defending him, and for what? Part of me felt like I was overreacting, but the other part felt like I was going insane because I couldn't run away from this asshole.

"Athena, that's not fair!" He heavily breathes out once he catches up to me, grabbing my wrist to stop me. "Keith had gotten us all caught. Andrew is just being a dick."

I felt anger rush through me, making my blood boil. He could tell that his excuse made me mad, so he instantly tries to retract it. "No, that's not what I meant. I worded that wrong."

He was still trying to protect Andrew, and cast the blame on my brother who did nothing wrong.

"When will you take accountability for what you did? You were the one drinking, you were the once acting like an idiot, and you also had another ride! My brother was going to drive y'all home but didn't because y'all were taking too long and he had a headache from his concussion." I rebuke.

He rolls his eyes, making me feel like I'm overreacting. Maybe I am.

"Is this about Andrew or Keith?" He blurts out sounding angry,

"It was about Andrew until you decided to be all 'forgive and forget' with him immediately, yet not with my brother."

"Dean, be honest with me. Did you get all buddy-buddy with my brother again because of me?"

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