7|| It's a Secret

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I wake up lying on Dean's chest with his arms wrapped around me. So last night definitely wasn't a dream.

I worry about what my brother might think when he eventually finds out, but those worries leave as soon as I hear Dean's morning voice.

"Morning, baby." His voice is low and raspy.

Baby. I feel butterflies in my stomach every time he calls me that.

"Good morning." I mumble as I place my head in the crook of his neck.

"So you have to leave today?" He asks me somberly.

"Yeah. My mom and dad keep hassling me about some office work they need help with and Keith keeps blowing up my phone wanting to know everything I am doing." I don't think he wants to know who I'm doing, though.

I hated that I had to go back home. Not only did I want to spend more time with Dean, but I don't know how much longer I can wait to have sex with him. Having to see him shirtless right next to me didn't help.

After cuddling for a few minutes, we both get up and go to the bathroom

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After cuddling for a few minutes, we both get up and go to the bathroom. We brush our teeth, I change into my jean shorts I wore yesterday and put a plain white top on. Dean puts on his jeans and t-shirt from last night.

Before he leaves, we kiss a few times, that maybe turns into a full on make out session. Before things get carried away, Amanda calls me to say I need to pick her up from the frat boy's house on our way home.

"Bye Dean." I say embracing him in a tight hug.

"Bye, baby. Call me once you get home."

"Ok, I will."

"Look, next weekend is my mom's birthday so I'm thinking I'll come down. Then maybe your brother and I could get a chance to see each other, and we could hangout too." He says with a sly smirk.

"Yeah, that'd be great! I'm sure Keith misses you!"

"Yeah, maybe." He responds.

"What do you mean? You don't think he'll be happy to see you?" I ask sounding confused.

"Well, a few years ago all of the guys kinda got mad at your brother because he ditched us at a party." He says hesitantly.

"What? Is that why y'all haven't been hanging out for the past few years?"

"Yeah. The guys distanced themselves from Keith."

"Why would that be such a big deal that he left y'all at a party?"

"Well, the cops found us and they wouldn't have had Keith not left us since he was our ride."

Was Dean mad at my brother too? Is he only hanging around me to make my brother mad?

"I mean I could see how y'all would be mad, but to stop hanging out with him seems a bit much." I said trying to stay neutral in the situation even though I am biased.

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