17|| Mystery Man

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After Dean and I probably had the best sex last night, I felt more close to him then I ever have. I mean, sure we've slept together before. However, "my brother's best friend" was no longer how I looked at him.

Imagine being a celebrity's best friend-- you would be none as so-and-so's best friend. You wouldn't have an identity of your own. That's how I looked at all of my brother's friends, until now that is.

I wake up feeling crushed by the weight of Dean on top of me, hugging my stomach with his face squished in my boobs. Although my chest wasn't particularly big, he made sure he took advantage of all that I had.

"Morning." I smile softly as Dean's eyes flutter open. I run my hands through his somewhat long hair, making him quietly moan.

"Morning, baby." He says with his hoarse morning voice that I love so much.

"Your face is squishing my boobs." I lay my head back on the pillow whining. Knowing him, I knew I shouldn't have said anything. He squishes his face in my chest more than he was before, making me playfully try to push him off. It would've worked if he wasn't a giant.

"Hey! Don't try to push me off of you!" He laughs lightly, lifting his body off of mine, beginning to tickle me.

"Stop!" I laugh uncontrollably as he continues tickling my sides. I absolutely hated being tickled, but I loved seeing him have a big smile. He finally stops tickling me, but not before I practically assaulted him with my arms flailing around.

"Come on let's shower." He says while his dreamy smile is still plastered on his face.

I hop out of bed and follow behind Dean, admiring his extremely toned back and broad shoulders. 

Once we get out of the shower, I get dressed in a comfortable but cute outfit, and brush my hair. I walk to the bedroom to make the bed, just as my phone starts blowing up.

Amanda: Athena!!! 

Amanda: I met my dream man yesterday!!

Amanda: OMG I literally wanna marry this guy.

I've heard that before. So I guess she's over Brad.

I rolled my eyes, but have a smile on my face because I'm happy for her. Even though she'll find a new guy next week-- as long as she's happy.

Me: Ohhh, is he cute??

Amanda: Would I go for someone that wasn't cute?!

Me: That's true lol

As much as Amanda picked douchebags most of the time, they were always handsome. I had to hand it to her, she had great taste in guys if we are talking about looks.

We continued talking about her "soulmate" as she put it, but eventually the conversation died down. 

"Are you ready?" Dean asks as he comes back in from putting our bags in the car. We were headed back home which was part of the plan this whole time, but I still didn't want to leave. It was nice getting to play husband and wife in "our" empty house.

I've always wanted to get married, and thankfully Dean has the same goals as me: Get married and raise children. I know it's cliche but it really is all I've ever wanted.

We head back home, Dean volunteering to drive. It was only two hours away from our houses, so the drive would go by quick. 

After about forty-five minutes of driving, Dean gets a call that shows up on the car bluetooth. "Oh, fuck I forgot to call him back last night!" Dean says while answering the phone.

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