10|| Reconciliation

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Dean's POV:

Athena said we couldn't do anything when her brother would be home soon. Even though she cockblocked me, I agreed with her figuring it would probably not be great for her brother and I's friendship if he walked in on us having sex.

She forced us to go back downstairs so we wouldn't have as much privacy, being that her twin brother's room was down there. 

I waited for about twenty minutes before Keith got home, and Athena and I watched him drive in.

"Hurry! Hurry!" Athena panicked as she pushed me off the couch, trying to make it seem like we weren't just cuddling. 

I had texted Keith earlier about coming over to see him, and he surprisingly agreed. I wanted to apologize for everything that has happened in the past, not just because I was sleeping with his sister, but also because I genuinely felt bad.

"Hey Keith!" I say happily. I haven't seen him in about a year and a half.

"Hey, man!" He says back with a smile on his face making me feel even more guilty about the past.

We make small talk for a while, but I finally got rid of my pride and apologized.

"Look, I just wanted to say, I'm really sorry about what happened a few years ago. I really miss seeing you and I hope we can put the past us." I say somberly.

"No worries! Things happen, I guess." He was always the most forgiving person I'd ever met. Though I'm sure he'd still like to kick my ass. I can't even imagine what he'd do if he found out about Athena and I, but I've always liked a good fight.

After a while of more talking, Keith and I decided to go out to the bar so we could get to hangout more.

Keith said I could spend the night which I happily said yes to. Maybe I could sneak away once he fell asleep and see Athena. 

Athena nominated herself as the designated driver so Keith and I could get to spend more time together.

"Damn, that girl is kinda hot." Keith said slurring his words slightly.

"How can you tell? All I can see is the back of her!" I ask him while laughing.

"I don't know she just gives me good vibes."

"Go talk to her then!" I urge him.

"Ok, ok, I'll be right back!"

I pick up my phone while Keith flirts with the girl, noticing a text from Athena.

Athena: Can't wait for tonight;)

She means sex, right?

Me: Neither can I... maybe I should head back now.

I didn't know what the hell she was talking about, but my drunk thoughts hoped it meant I could see her naked.

She is so beautiful. She has a slim, small figure, and is so petite. It makes me feel strong being around her because I could protect her so easily. I could also destroy her with my dick if I wanted to, which made my ego happy.

Keith interrupts my thoughts about his sister and comes back with an awkward facial expression.

"What? It didn't go well?" I ask him.

"Dude, that girl was your sister." He said making me feel a hint of anger. But that anger quickly went away as I remembered what I was doing with his sister.

"What?!" I turn around looking in the crowd. Sure enough it was my sister. I wave at her and she dismisses me going back to dancing with her friends.

She is my older sister so maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they dated. After all she always talks about him.

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