20|| French Lesson

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**This is the final chapter, however I will make an epilogue!! This chapter will be a bit longer to tie loose ends, so I hope you enjoy! Thank you all so much for your support!!


"You are such an asshole, Dean!" 

"Me? You're the one acting like a little brat!" 

"If you're jealous, then just say so!" 

"How in the hell could I be jealous of that cocksucker?" 

"That's what I'm trying to figure out!"

Three weeks earlier:

Dean and I haven't seen each other since that awkward situation with Amanda and Andrew. He had to head back to college because for the next three weeks, he has intense football training. That meant that even if I went up there to visit him, it would be pointless because he would either be at practice or asleep.

Instead of wallowing in loneliness, I decided to get my stuff together. For the past few months I have been neglecting my responsibilities because I've been so caught up with Dean.

I have tons of office work to do for my parents, my laundry is piling up, and my "always clean room" has now turned into a complete mess. So, all-in-all, it might be a good thing I'm getting some free time.

I started out the day by waking up at 8:00 AM and heading to my at-home gym. It was a complete time saver as well as it was a money saver. I do some stretches for my warm up, and do a little bit of cardio followed by some weight lifting to maintain my toned physique.

After my workout, I got ready for the day, ate breakfast, and did the dreaded office work I have been putting off. Numbers after numbers, and page after page, I finally got caught up.

My vision had become so blurred from having to look at so many numbers and having to type them out on the computer. I decided to give myself a much needed break before I continued the hustle. I put my bathing suit on and headed outside to tan for a little bit. I needed to use the summer sun to my advantage, and a healthy work balance is needed, or at least that's what I keep telling myself.

I let my already golden skin soak up the warm sun. I had put together a playlist of my favorite relaxation songs when I was working out earlier, so this moment was pure bliss. It felt so nice to just breathe and not worry or do any work.

After a good hour, I head back inside to my room, where I'm needed next. I throw some comfortable clothes back on, and start by putting some laundry in the washer and making my bed. I organize a few things around my room that had gotten messy, and at this point I was thankful for my OCD. 

It is almost 10:00 PM by now and all of my cleaning is done, aside from the last load of laundry in the dryer. I finally kickback, and enjoy some TV in the living room while I'm waiting for the last load of laundry to finish.

I open my phone up and see multiple notifications, but my eyes zone in on Dean's text messages.

Dean: Hey, baby. I hope you had a good day.

Every night before he goes to sleep, he sends me a text message telling me he's thinking about me or that he hopes I'm in his dreams. It makes my heart melt at the gesture. Sometimes he'll call me, but other nights he passes out and forgets to call. 

I smile at the text and send him a flirty response back. I miss him so much. It's only been a week but I feel like my heart is torn. I want to see my baby again.

As soon as I'm done fawning over his texts, I get startled by a deep voice behind me. "Ew, that's so gross. Y'all flirt?" Keith hunches down to where his face is right next to mine, trying to look at our texts.

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