Chapter 35

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Aabirah is on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Safwa walks inside the room. "Assalamu Alaykum,"

Aabirah sits up. "Wa'alaykum Salaam,"

Safwa sits on the bed.  "I heard what happened?" 

A weak smile on Aabirah's lips. "I am fine, no need to don't worry about me.

Safwa touches her face and neck. "You are running a fever," 

Ayaat walks in. "I couldn't sleep last night, I was so worried," 

"Ayaat… help me get her up… we are taking her to the hospital," Safwa says. "take the blanket and cover her up,".

Ayaat takes the blanket covering Aabirah.


"I had to spend the night on the couch yesterday, I couldn't sleep. All I think about was what Aabirah said, I can't divorce her Jalil, I love her, she can't ask that of me, what I did was wrong and I regret it, I don't know what came to me," Dalaj says.

"I told you are going to regret it and suffer because of what you did to Aabi… the girl loves you a lot even though you are older than her and married. She married you, she had a lot of proposals, but she choose you, ever since she married she has been suffering, what for? What for Dalaj? If you can't take care of her, and always choose your mysterious wife, divorce Aabi, while she is still young,".

Dalaj's phone rings. 

"Ayaat is calling," Dalaj says, looking at his phone. 

"Pick it up, she is angry with you, I am sure it is something important," Jalil says.

Dalaj picks the call.


Dalaj and Jalil walk inside the gynaecology clinic and see Ayaat sitting down in the reception area.

"Where is Aabi? Is she alright?" Dalaj asks worriedly. 

"Do you think she is alright. We brought her to the hospital,".

"Is Safwa with her?" Jalil ask.

Ayaat nods, hugging him. "I am worried about her," 

"She will be alright," 

Safwa walks to them. 

Ayaat let go of Jalil. "How is she?" 

"She is fine," Safwa replies, looking at Dalaj and Jalil. "What are doing here?" 

A nurse walks to Safwa. "She has wake up," 

"I will have to go," Safwa says.

"Who is the nurse referring to, is it Aabi?" Dalaj ask.


Aabirah is lying on the bed, tears flowing from her eyes, the door opens and Dalaj walks inside. 

"Assalamu Alaykum,".

"Wa'alaykum Salaam," Aabirah replies. 

Dalaj sits on the bed. "How are you?"

Aabirah looks down.

When she did not give him a reply. Dalaj says. "I never meant to hurt you as I did, How I reacted was wrong, What I have done is truly stupid, But I am human. I know it is hard to understand, But we have been through so much together. You can’t imagine what I would give to take your hand again,".

Aabirah looks at him. "You can't be fair and just between me and Yasira, you value Yasira more than me and I understand, is not your fault, all men can't be emotionally just among their wives," 

Dalaj moves his hand to touch her cheeks, she moves her face from his touch. "I love you Aabi… I made a mistake and I am sorry, forgive me… I will tell Yasira to ask for your forgiveness," 

"That's not it, I don't need her forgiveness for me to be alright okay, do you think sorry fix things…, I am just like a paper that you fold, and throw away, roll it and I won't be the same again. Or a glass that falls and can't be fixed again, you break the trust between us and, I am have been patient, I can't anymore, I am sorry. I have made up my mind this is the best for the two of us. ⁰You can have Yasira and you will be free of committing a sin of a man not to be just among his wives, and you save me from heartbreaks, I am not going to be yours anymore Dalaj Aman, the eyes I love to look into mine, I want them to look away,"

Tears flow down Dalaj's eyes, he holds her hand. "I don't know what came over me, I don't want to lose you, please give me another chance," 

Here's another chapter.

Thank you for the love...

Love you 💕 NanarhK

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