Chapter 40

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In Aabirah's room, on the bed. Aabirah and Dalaj are lying down wearing their pyjamas, with a blanket over them. Aabirah lay her head on Dalaj's chest, and Dalaj hold her close to him.

"I am beyond happy, I am ecstatic. Ayaat and my brother are engaged. I can see how they adore each other. May Allah bless them with endless happiness,"

"Amin. I feel the same way. Nothing can make me happier than seeing Ayaat married," Dalaj smile.

"I know, May Allah helps us witness such a happy occasion for all our family," 


"Oh Allah, let death reach us when all our sins are forgiven and you are pleased with us," 

"Amin," Dalaj pecks her forehead. "May Allah accept your dua and bless you with strong Imaan, sabr, happiness and long age with taqwa, and with the highest level of Jannah and happiness and success in this life and the next," 

"Amin, Ya Allah," Aabirah replies, closing her eyes.


In the dining room. In the dining room,  there is a beautiful portrait of a garden. A wash hand basin. A shelf of Islamic books with a small table near it with a vase of beautiful flowers. A dining table with four chairs.

Aabriah and Dalaj are having breakfast, Aqila walks to them with her school bag. "Good morning, Ummi and Abi," 

"Good morning," They reply in unison.

Aqila keeps her school bag on a chair and sits on the other one facing Aabirah.

"Will you be going out today?" Aabriah asks Dalaj.

"I don't think so," 

Aabirah laugh. "You are so lazy..." 

Aabriah looks at Aqila who looks at her. "I mean…," 

Dalaj laugh. 

"I will be leaving," Aqila says. 

"You haven't finished your breakfast, Aqila," Aabriah says.

"Don't worry, Ummi… I will eat in the car, I will be late and it won't be fair to Hala," Aqila says, standing up, taking her plate.

"Goodbye," she pecks them on the cheeks.

"May Allah bless you and protect you," Aabirah says, smiling.

"Amin," Aqila says, and runoff.

Aabirah laugh. "Be careful,".

Dalaj smile. "You always bring a smile to my face when I see your love for Aqila,"

"Aqila is my daughter too, and now that her Ummi is not here, she is my responsibility, don't doubt my love for Aqila," 

Dalaj makes a kissing sound with his lips. Aabirah smile.

"Since you are staying, you should help me take care of Alman," Aabirah says.

"Order taken my Queen," Dalaj says.

Aabriah chuckles, and her face became serious. "To tell you the truth, I don't like the way Safwa and Jalil are giving more dedication to their job than the children, I get it they love their job, but they also have a responsibility towards Alman and Hala," 

"You are right, May Allah guide them," 

Aabriah smile. "Amin, and may Allah bless us lazy people. Let's go and take Alman, then go to the playground," 

Dalaj laugh. "Amin,"


Aabirah and Dalaj are sitting on a rug, under fine, soft sand in the playground with Alman in front of them playing in a sandbox, with some toys.

Dalaj is observing him, Aabirah stare at him, as tears roll down her eyes. 

"Isn't he so cute?" Dalaj asks, and with a smile, he looks at Aabriah.

Aabriah wipes her tears. 


Dalaj wrap his hand from her back, holding her close to him, she lay her head on his shoulder. 

"Don't worry… when the less we expect it, Allah will bless us with a child," 

"Amin," Aabirah smile, wiping her tears.

Taqabbal-Allâhu minnâ wa minkum

No matter where you are or what you are doing, remember that Allah is always with you to help and guide you in every important step of your life. Eid Mubarak!

It has been month a since I updated. I hope you haven't given up on this story.

The next chapter is coming soon.

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Continue reading to find out.

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