Chapter 8

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This chapter is for crunchyleafs  ;)

So thank them for pushing me to upload and continue this book. Also, I am mixing a little bit of Dead by Daylight Ghostface in here because I am daddy. (Devil face emoji since I am on my computer) jk I am a sexi femaile.


I've been to parties before, but this one held such a powerful energy that I couldn't explain. A sense of feeling that the whole city needed to lift off all the stress from the past few days. Drinks were being passed around and the music was bumping hard for the people that chose to dance. It was a different energy that I felt when I first heard bad news in the town. Freeing to say the least. 

Someone handed me a drink before moving on to the next empty-handed partygoer. I take a sip, tasting the nasty taste of cheap beer. Sidney was happily dancing next to me, letting loose instantly. Tatum disappeared into the crowd of people, probably trying to search for something a little stronger.

"You guys made it!" Billy says as he finds us in the crowd, grabbing ahold of Sidney. "Can we talk somewhere more private than here? Please?"

Billys' eyes met mine as Sidney agrees with the male, I size him up before the pair disappear also into the sea of people. He better not hurt her, or I will hurt him! Once they were out of seeing distance, I just stood there. Here I am, all alone in a party of people that I have no clue who they are. Awkwardly I shuffle outside to where a few people were. There was a pool, so I am surprised that there weren't any more people there. Shrugging I take off my shoes, dipping them into the water.

Sitting alone on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water was a little vacation that I needed. Stress with moving alone and all these murderers felt so small at the time.  That was until I heard something rustle in the woods in front of me. With the light from the pool and the party, you would think that I would be able to see who it was. yet I couldn't.

Still, I didn't move where I was, not caring. Instead, I just focused on the cup in front of me, drowning out the sorrows of missing my little buddy at home. It was a start, so I may need to have a few more cups.

Throwing the rest of the content of the cup in my mouth, I get up from the poolside. My shoes stayed on the ground, only because I was going to come back after getting a refill. That was until I heard another noise coming from the woods. Curling my eyebrows up in confusion I step closer to the treeline, trying to get a better look at who could be making those noises. 

Are couples trying to get some alone time? hehehehe not relatable. Sigh.

Leaning forward into the woods, yup. Two people were on top of each other. Quickly I twist on my heels, heading inside to get a refill. It was quiet in the kitchen when I was filling up my cup, well that was before Billy walked up to me.

"We really didn't get to formally introduce ourselves to each other," Billy says as he rubs the back of his neck. "Off on the wrong foot as you could say."

I take a sip before responding, "Way off on the wrong foot. But yes, we never really met before. So hello, my name is (y/n)."

"Nice to meet you (Y/n), my name is Billy. Yet you already knew that."

"Do you know where Sidney is? I hope you didn't break her heart or anything...." Billy doesn't respond.

"I thought it was for the best that we broke up. She accused me of something that I am innocent of, so I just thought we can stay as friends. Don't worry, she was okay with it. Said that it's also good, says that she has a new neighbor to show around. Don't worry, she said good things about you if you were wondering that. "

"Oh yay! More time for me."

"Keep an eye on her for me, alright?"

"Oh yeah, I will don't worry. She is in good hands."

"Thank you."

Billys' smile drops as we could hear a scream in the distance. He grabs my arm, pushing me behind him as we walk towards the source of the scream. A group has formed outside to where I saw the couple doing some sexy time

They were beheaded, still um inside each other as you say. A picture of their dead bodies lay on the naked ladies' body. "Who did that?" I ask.

"The same guy that attacked Sidney and you the first day we met each other," Billy whispers to me before a cop pushed past him. Dewey finds me quickly, pulling me to the front of the house to his car. Looking behind me I meet Billys' eyes, our scared eyes reaching for each other. The connection was cut off once we made our way inside.

"Are you alright?" Dewey asks as he gets me in the passenger seat.

"I'm fine, don't worry," I sigh out. "I thought the place was safe since cops were around the house?"

"Let's get you home. Did Billy do anything to you?"

"No, no. He was fine, sweet to say the least. It was nice to finally formally meet him, well without handcuffs on."

You didn't know it, but Dewey looked over at you with sad eyes as he drove to your house. He knew that if you were around Billy he didn't stand even a slight chance. Billy was more her age, more attractive, and just better in Dewey's words. His heart broke a little as he thought about losing such a kind soul. He was used to it yet, he was used to not finding anyone that wanted to be with him. 

The car ride was silent, something that made (y/n) feel uneasy. She did nothing wrong, yet the male beside her made it feel like it. Silence is the worst killer, but she wasn't going to let it kill her mood.

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