Chapter 5

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My pencil tapped the edge of my desk as the rest of my classmates filled their own seats. A few people stared at me but soon continued to talk to their friends. Billy shows up in the class, his backpack hanging off of his shoulder. He sends me a quick nod before sitting across the room from me. 

Once the last person squeezed through the door, the teacher shuts the door. The last period of the day and I have been embarrassed each time. In the first period, I had math, and I had to come up with my favorite math equation. Like who has a favorite math equation? So I came up with one on the spot, making the answer totally wrong. Everyone laughed, making me embarrassed. 

The teacher clears her throat, "Where is Stu?"

"He skipped after the second period," A girl in the front laughs. "I saw him leave looking all shady. What a creep."

"Alright, anyways. We have a new student here-"

Oh great, here we go again.


--Ten minutes later--

As the teacher was collecting homework the principal walks through the door, whispering something in her ear. The look on my teacher's face looks shocked as she received the news. Once the principal stands up straight, her eyes were on me.

"Miss. (L/n). Seems like you are needed in the office," She says.

Slowly getting up I follow the principal out of my classroom. No words were exchanged, making me a little nervous. Hopefully, it has to deal with scheduling stuff or something. Although why wouldn't they get me earlier? Or I finally got a locker now. Although why would they have to drag me out of class no?

Arriving at the principal's office, I was caught by surprise. Dewey quickly stands up, his hands fidgeting with his badge in his hands. He nervously sends me a, "Hi." Finding a seat in front of Mr.Himbrys desk, Dewey follows suit. My heart started to beat loudly as Mr.Himbry finds a seat in his respectable chair, his eyes landing on me.

"We have received some news. We think that you are getting targeted by the Ghostface," Mr.Himbry sighs out.

"W-what do you mean?" I question. "I just moved here though."

Mr.Himbry waves his hand at Dewey, his eyes already on me once I turn my head. Deweys' eyes were soft, making me a little comfortable. That was until he pulled out Cheweys collar. His name and my new address printed on the dog tag. With shaking hands, I grab the collar out of Deweys' hands.

"I went over to your house, the front door wide open," Dewey says. "I found the collar hanging on the tree in front of the school.

"He must have run away," I cry out as I stand up. "There has got to be no way-"

Dewey stands up just as fast, pulling me into a hug. That is when I knew Chewey did not run away. Tears came as soon as they did, falling down my face like a waterfall.

"Dewey will be keeping a close eye on you and your home. We want to ensure you are safe, only because you are home alone and in a new city." Mr. Himbry says.

Dewey lets go of me, wiping a few stray tears from my face. I send him a quick smile before turning back to Mr. Himbry. 

"What happens now?" I question.

"You live life like usual, just with a little more caution. Stay focused in school, go to parties, and do girl stuff. I really don't know, just know cops are going to be following you from now on." Mr. Himbry shrugs.

"I will protect you (Y/n)," Dewey says.

"Can I go home?"

"Yeah, I will take you home. Let's go."

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