Chapter 3

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"Oh my god!" Sidney shrieks out once she realized it's the police.

"Sorry," the officer says. "Someone called in saying they saw someone stalking around your house."

"It's him, Billy is the killer."

Three officers run past Sidney and me into the house. Their guns were raised, making me slightly nervous. The first officer brings my attention back to him, motioning us to go over to the paramedics. "I will talk to one of you at the station once you are both checked over with," the officer says to us.

Sidney holds my hand as we walk up to a paramedic, they move us over to the ambulance. I waved away the paramedics as they attempted to look over any injuries that I had. In reality, I had none, heck I have no idea what is going on. Billy tried to murder Sidney!

Instantly Sidney got patched up, little band-aids covering her scratches. Looking over my shoulder I watch as three police officers escort Billy passed up, his eyes meeting mine and never leaving mine. Pushing him further, Billy was forced into a police car.

"Come on," Sidney grabs my hand again and pulls me to a different cop car. We both slide into the back, letting the officer from before get in the driver's seat. I'm guessing Sidney knows him, only because they are so friendly with each other.

"Thank you, officer," I say to the male.

"It's uh- deputy. Deputy Dewey at your service," the male looks back at me through the review mirror.

I smile in his direction, letting him know that I heard him. Sidney takes over, "What are you going to do to him?"

"Well we are going to be interrogating him, and holding him for a night or so. Just so we are able to get a confession."

I watch in awe as we pull into the police station, admiring the small building. We pull around back, trying to stay away from the press that was now forming. I guess this is pretty big news for this town. This attempted murder is probably connected to that couple that died a while ago. 

Following the deputy, we are guided to interrogation rooms. Sidney and I are separated though, just so investigators can get both sides of the story. Sitting in the room was kinda scary, the only thing in there was a table and chair. There was also a window, but I can only see myself. The other side showed inside the room, so it was a one-sided mirror. I have never seen one of those before.

The door swings open, revealing Dewey. He sends me a smile as he sits across from me, not closing the door behind him. I'm not sure if that is because I'm innocent, or because he just forgot.

Once Dewey was under the spotlight that hung over the table, I got a better look at him. His boyish looks really made his attractive, something that piqued my interest. He lets out an adorable laugh once he realizes I been staring for too long. Shaking my head I say, "Do I need to say my side of the story?"

Dewey shakes his head no, "Sidney is the most important person on this case. You were just at her house at the wrong time. Thankfully you weren't hurt, don't need a pretty face like yours to be scratched up."

"Aww, Dewey are you flirting?"

"What? No. Anyway, tell me about yourself."

"I live obviously next door to Sidney. My parents are currently out of the country, so I'm always alone. I have a pitbull named Chewey, he is my best friend. He is probably so worked up right now with all the sirens and lights! Oh no!"

"It's alright. Once Sidney is done, I will drive you guys back home. Sidney is going to have a few patrol cars around her house, so if you feel unsafe, you know where to go."

"Sounds good to me, thank you."

"Do you need me to grab you anything? A coffee, water, or?"

"Honestly, my nerves are so active right now. Can I get a blanket or a jacket or something?"

Dewey quickly gets up, walking out of the room to grab my requested item. Tapping my foot I meet Billys' eyes again, he was getting guided past my door by another officer. My eyebrows curl up in disgust, thinking a murderer just looked at me.

Entering my room, Dewey hands me an official police jacket. One of the nice thick ones with the word POLICE on the back. Gratefully, I quickly put it on. Instantly my nerves start to calm down. Burrowing into the warm jacket was the best feeling in the world.

"Thank you," I whisper.

"Hey," a new voice says at the doorway. "I am taking Sidney to our house."

"What? No!" Dewey says turning around. "She isn't done getting her side of the story."

"I don't care, we are leaving. Bye!"

Dewey wasn't able to respond, the female was gone. He didn't even try to run after her, instead, he just turns back to me "My sister can be a little of a handful. Come on, I will take you home."

Getting up, I follow Dewey. Staying close to him I basically hold onto the back of his shirt as we pass Billys interrogation room. Billy was talking to the chief of police, bad luck for him. Dewey presses my lower back as he guides me outside, right in the mess of interviewers and press. Dewey pushes me forward to his car, practically shoving people out of my way. Cameras and microphones were shoved in my face but kept on walking. Honestly, I don't think I can even answer their questions.

Once Dewey and I were safely in the car, he lets out a sigh of relief. He starts the car, slowly going through the crowd of people that followed us to his car. The ride was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. Dewey is definitely someone I would like to see again, he is such a sweet boy.

Pulling into my driveway was very scary, only because a crime was almost committed next door. Putting the car in park, Dewey looks over at me. Again, he lets out the cutest smile.

"Will I see you again?" Dewey asks, reading my mind.

"Are you flirting with me again?" I joke.


"I'm joking, but yes. I hope so."

The smile on his face grows bigger as I jump out of his squad car. I shut the door, sending him a small wave before I head up to my front door. For a second I felt so scared once he drove away, but I felt safe once I heard Chewie. His little toes on the wood floor were so loud.

Unlocking the front door was the best feeling in the world, Chewies' wet nose against my leg. His little tail wagging so fast as I lock the door behind me. Furthering into the room I soon remember I stole a jacket. Quickly taking it off, I look for any name on it so I can return it. Although seeing 'Deputy Dewey' was actually relieving. Holding the jacket to my chest, I let out a small laugh. Maybe I have a small crush on this man.

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