Chapter 17

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Backing away from the masked killer, I try to put a more significant gap in between us. The two I was dancing with didn't understand what was going on and wanted to hold me in place, which made me feel trapped. Ghostface got closer, trying to be stealthy as he tried to not cause everyone to freak out. My eyes were stuck on him as I tried to get out of the surrounding area as him.

"(Y/n), chill out," Tatum giggles, making me look at her right in the eyes. "Stay and dance with us!"

"He is here," I whisper, trying to not alarm anyone around us.

"What? I can't hear you silly."

"He is here."

I point in the direction where I last saw Ghostface, which causes Tatum and Randy to look in the direction. Only he was gone, lost in the sea of people I assume. Tatum turns back to me, seeing the fear on my face made her realize I wasn't lying. This causes her to grab onto me in fear.

A scream causes the music to stop, making the party silent. Someone yelled from upstairs, making me turn around to look at the commotion. Their bloody figure tumbles down the stairs, Ghostface soon climbs down the stairs, a knife in their hands.

This causes a stampede of people trying to escape, their screams filling my ears all around me. Everyone pushes and pulls, trying to get to an exit. Tatum grips my body, not wanting to lose me at any point. With the fear coursing through everyone's blood we were outside in seconds, running. People yelled at each other to call the cops while others just ran. I came to a halt, turning to look at the house that people were still escaping from.

Tatum pulls me forward, "(Y/n), we need to leave! Come on!"

I try to pull my arm away, "Sidney might still be in there!"

"Who cares, we have to go!"

I look at her, I was furious that she would leave a friend behind. Pulling my arm away from hers I run in the direction that everyone else was running from. Hearing Tatum throw a little tantrum I hear her footsteps behind me, shouting at people to call the cops as they pass her. Jumping up the stairs I quickly kick off my heels. Hoping that it will make me more stealthy.

There were still a lot of people inside, some not understanding what is going on and others lay dead on the floor. Tatum and I move from room to room, looking for our friend. Part of me hopes that she is far gone, and the other part of me hopes to not see her on the ground. We move to the kitchen, seeing Sidney pressed up against the kitchen sink. 

"Sidney!" I say, hugging her. Thankful that I didn't have to search the whole house to find her.

"What are you guys doing here!" She scolds us. "You need to get out of here!"

Tatum makes a noise behind me, making me jump. Turning around I see Ghostface behind her, his knife dripping with blood. Her body falls limp, and Ghostface just walks right over. His hand grabs my hair, pulling me closer to his face. 

"You messed everything up," He says, the same voice I could remember from the phone calls. Sidney pushes him off of me, putting herself in between us. I tried to put myself in front of her, but she held her ground.

Ghostface tilts his head in confusion as he looks at the two of us, "Sorry Sidney, our scheduled meeting will happen later. Let me just get to the whore that ruined everything that we had planned."

He brought his hand up, slapping Sidney out of the way with great force and swiftness. My eyes watch her as she falls to the ground, holding her face from the spot she was just hit at. Quickly glancing back at Ghostface I see his eyes back on me, his knife lifting up to the sky.

Bringing my arms up in defense I hear someone shouting. Using that as a distraction I pull Sidney up to her feet, getting further away from the killer. Jumping over Tatum's body was hard, seeing her lifeless body just lay there made me sad. We were supposed to be a trio, making sure we have each other's backs. Running back inside was my idea, meaning I was the one who killed Tatum. Even if I wasn't the one that stabbed her to death.

We move quickly to the living room, slamming right into Ghostface. Curling my eyebrow in confusion I look over my shoulder to see the Ghostface from before also walking up to us.

"There are two," I stutter out, not believing what I was seeing. "I must be dreaming or something."

The Ghostface in front of me just stares at the other one in the room, tilting his head in confusion. Sidney takes the distraction and pulls me away from him, dragging me upstairs. My feet worked slower than hers, but Ghostface worked faster than the both of us. One of them grabs my ankle, pulling me off of my feet and hitting the stairs hard. I was dragged all the way down the stairs, back to where we were standing before.

"(Y/n)!" Sidney shouts.

"Run!" I yell to her. "Save yourself."

She was hesitant at first but soon follows my orders once she realizes we won't be surviving the night. Looking back at the task in hand the Ghostface in front of me just stares down at me, his knife coming straight for me. 

The weight of Ghostface comes off of me quickly as I see the other Ghostface tackle him. Sitting up I reach the further wall by crawling, trying to get away from the two killers fighting. Watching them made me afraid, why are there two Ghostfaces? Is only one the real one and the other a phony? One wants me dead while the other wants to worship me. Nothing makes sense. Tatum is dead and I am too afraid to move from my spot. Part of me wants to see this play out, but the other part of me is afraid of what will happen if I move.

Watching them fight was something I have never thought that I would see. They both had the same fighting moves, the same knife, and the same voice. Hopefully one of them is a good guy, fighting the real killer with his own medicine.

The room grows cold as I watch one Ghostface stab the other right in the neck. Blood splatters everywhere while the other Ghostface stands victoriously over the body. Now, who won? The good Ghostface or the bad one?

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