Chapter 13

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kinda switches from first person to 3rd person


I could hear the sound of the tree moving above me, the same tree that I used to get off of the room. Glancing up I see the white mask staring down at me. I know, I could just tell that the person behind the mask was smirking. Thinking that he won this little game of cat and mouse. Pushing myself off of the house I run, run as fast as I could to get away from him. It is way after curfew so I hope, no I pray for an officer to just come driving down my road. Save me from this dreadful encounter. 

Running under streetlights I glance behind me, trying to look for the masked killer. Only to find that I am alone, just the sound of birds to tell me that I am not in fact going crazy. Sighing I slow down my running figure, wrapping my arms around my body. It's not cold, just my nerves are through the roof making me shiver. That is a thing, right?

Houses were all around me, yet no lights were on. Families in bed without knowing that I am out here alone with a killer probably feet behind me. I could just pass out on their doorstep and I won't be found until morning when they go fetch the morning paper.

"(Y/n)." I hear behind me, the same rough voice from before.

I continue walking, keeping one foot planted in front of the other.

"You are going to listen to me (y/n). I am superior compared to you. Stop walking or I will make sure you never see the daylight ever again."

I pause in my barefoot walk away from home.

"Good girl."

His hands touch my back, tracing all the way up to my shoulders and onto my neck. A tight squeeze from him made me look right in the face of the killer. The gloves he was wearing held such a strong heat. I'm not sure if it is from him, or the impending doom that is waiting for me.

"Such a pretty girl, with such a strong attitude. You're special (Y/n), and I want you to know that." Ghostface says with his hand gripping tighter on my throat. "As I said before, you're going to regret running away from me. So keep your pretty little eyes on me as I punish you. You're going to be mine (y/n), and only mine."

He places his other hand on my throat, getting a better grip. A tight sensation caused my breathing to falter. Afraid, I grab ahold of his arms in an attempt to get them off, "No sweetheart, eyes stay on me."

Faintly I could hear car tires behind me, but that didn't stop stars from forming in my eyes as his grip went tighter. For a second I thought that was the end, well until the tight sensation on my neck dropped as the tires behind me got louder.

Cars headlights landed on me and I could hear feet running toward me. Whoever it was picked me up, telling me to breathe. They helped me get back to a normal rhythm, getting air back to my lungs and brain. After was seemed like a century I looked up to the person standing in front of me, the person that saved me from my death.

"Dewey," I mutter out in a raspy voice. Tears came to my eyes as I threw myself on him, just wanting to feel something other than fear, "I am so sorry."

"I'm here. Don't worry." The male says, wrapping his own arms around me. "What happened (y/n)."

"He was in my house. He-He followed me outside and choked me. I didn't w-want the other girls to get hurt."

"He didn't choke you (y/n), he strangled you. He strangled you, cutting off your airways to kill you. We need to get off of the streets, he could still be around here."

I cried in his chest, and get let me. My tears stained his jacket, but he didn't care. He was just glad that he was there at the right place at the right time. The boy didn't want to think about what would have happened if he didn't turn down this road at the right time. Would he have come across your dead body?

"Can you walk me home?" the girl asks, wiping her red eyes.

"Are you sure? Do you want to go to the hospital?" the officer asks, worry written all over his face as the girl shakes her head, "You don't look so well right now."

"I just want my bed and Chewie."

"Alright, come on. I will walk you home."

The pair walked all the way to the females' house, not a word being said between the two of them. Only because her voice was weak and because he didn't know what to say to lighten the mood. His mind was everywhere, thinking about all different kinds of scenarios. Once they got to the house (Y/n) tried to open the front door, but it was locked. Awkwardly she knocked, at her own house.

Tatum opened the door with a smile, only to have it drop, "(Y/n)?" 

She pulls both people inside, slamming and locking the door behind them. Tatum guides the (haircolor) female into the living. "I'm sorry," (y/n) mumbles. Sidney finds a seat next to the broken girl, trying to comfort her in any way. 

"For what? You have no reason to apologize," Tatum states, kneeling in front of the girl. eagerly Tatum moved (y/n) hair around, taking note of the red marks all over her neck. "I'm going to kill him, I am going to ruin that killers whole life if he ever comes across me. I swear next time I see him I will knock out his w-"

"Tatum," (y/n) sighs out. "He wants something with me."

"Don't say that, he is just a crazy psycho."

"He called me his."

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