Chapter 2

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Chewies happy little taps could be heard as he prances down the sidewalk. I decided to take him for a walk before I spend the night with Sidney. Plus it is a nice way to see the new city. The first store that peaked my interest was a movie store, maybe later in the week Chewie and I could enjoy a Halloween movie. Since the holiday is coming up.

My heart skipped a beat as I realized I couldn't bring Chewie into the store. Awkwardly I look down at Chewie his happy little chubby face looks back at me. "Maybe I can go after school tomorrow," I say to him.

The door to the store opens and a brown-haired male looks over at me. He smiles as he says, "The little guy can come in. You seem new here, anything I can help you with?"

I guide Chewie inside, letting him smell the lower shelf movies. "I was looking for a Halloween movie, seems about the time for a good spooky movie. Also yes, I am new here. Just moved in yesterday," I say as the worker guides me around the store.

"You go to Woodsboro high school?"

"Yeah! I am (y/n) by the way."

"Amazing, me too! I am Randy."

"My neighbor is Sidney, shoot I didn't get her last name. Do you know her by chance?"

"Yeah, she is actually a really good friend of mine. Wow, destiny really brought us together. Well, it is nice to meet you (y/n). You have any ideas about what movie you would like?"

"My most favorite Halloween movie, Freddy vs Jason. By far the best movie."

"Yeah it's good, but it's always back and forth. Kinda tiring."

"Nope, it's an amazing movie. I love how Freddy comes into the real world."

Randy hands me my selected movie with a playful sigh. I know he is judging me for my choice of movies, but I love it. I hand him a ten-dollar bill, which he returns to me the change and a puppy treat.

"I'll see you tomorrow then," Randy says with a smile.

I guide Chewie outside, handing him his well-deserved treat. We head back home, I was getting super excited to hang out with Sidney again. Chewie will hopefully be okay being home alone. Respecting Sidneys' home, I didn't want to bring Chewie over. 

Arriving back at home was kinda nice, only because it's someplace that I am familiar with. Plus I know there is an ice cream sandwich hidden in the fridge, just waiting for me to eat it. I mean sure I will share with Chewie, but still, it's ice cream.

Heading straight for the fridge, ripping into the packaging of the sandwich. Biting into it was the best thing I could have ever imagined. Hearing the phone ringing, I drop the rest of the sandwich on the floor for Chewie. Skipping over to the phone, I pick it up.

"Hello?" I answer.

Nobody answers, "Hello?" I try it again.

"(Y/n)? please tell me I finally got the right number." I hear a woman say.

"Yup that's me!"

"Oh thank god, it's me, Sidney. Are you more of a sweet or salty kinda person?"

"Sweet, by far."

"Okay, be at my house in ten minutes. I have cookies in the oven."

"Sounds good."

Dropping the phone on the receiver I happily skip up to my bedroom. Throwing a set of pajamas and school clothes in a duffle bag I head back downstairs. My backpack was sitting on my kitchen table, ready for me to go to school tomorrow. 

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