Chapter 7

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Sorry about the short chapter uwu

Tatum quickly gets up, motioning for Sidney and I to follow her. Doing what her eyes told me to do, I got up. We were all out of the diner within seconds. Her movements were quick as she wanted to leave the boy alone. Sure I was sad because I was hungry, but I wanted to make sure everyone was comfortable with Billy.

"I could just go and talk to him," Sidney says stopping before we go back to Tatums car.

"Fine, but grab our food to go." Tatum throws cash at Sidney before pulling me to her car. This time I get the passenger seat, which I am okay with. Thankfully Tatum did read my mind about the food situation.

"I never was a fan of Billy, and honestly I think that he was the one in the mask. I think he is the stalker that keeps on calling Sidney." Tatum says with her hands gripping on the steering wheel.

The sounds of my phone goes off, taking my mind off of the situation at hand. Answering the phone I greet the person, "Hello?"

"Hi (y/n)," an oddly familiar voice says.

I smack Tatums arm before leaning towards her with the phone. "I already told you my favorite scary movie," I quickly respond in the phone. Tatum leans in, not knowing what is going on.

"I know, I know. That is not why I called sweatheart," Tatum looks at me scared before dialing someone on her phone. I just focus on the conversation with the masked murderer.

"So what do you want? How did you get my number? What is your favorite scary movie then?"

"I just like you so much, just wanted to see how you are doing. Didn't scare you too much the other night huh?"

"Nope, why?"

"No reason, oh by the way your dog, what was it's name? I can't seem to remember." my heart drops, the killer did take my dog.

"Chewie. Do you have Chewie? I swear to go I will rip your eyes out if you took my dog."

The passenger door opens and my eyes meet Dewey. His soft eyes looked over at me and my current state. Touching my face I feel tears, I quickly wiped them away. "Give me my dog back, please" I whisper in the phone.

"Hahahaha. no. I sadly can't do that (y/n)," the male on the phone laughs. "I want you all to myself."

"Why? He did nothing to you! He is just a dog,"

Dewey grabs the phone from my hands, quickly ending the call before any more words could be said. His arms instantly pulling me out of the car and bringing me into a tight hug. Tatum was out of the car too, also hugging me. They both comforted me before Sidney came up to us, Billy behind her.

"What happened?" Sidney asks.

"Nothing," Dewey says with his arms still around me. I am so thankful he was so quick with coming to me as soon as possible.

"Let's get you back home," Tatum rubs my arm.

"No." I quickly say. "I want to drink as much as I can to forget everything for a while."

"Are you sure?"

"A thousand percent."

"I will follow you guys to the party," Dewey says letting go of me before he goes over to his car.

I get back into the car, wiping the remaining tears out of my eyes. Sure I am heartbroken, but I am more numb. A feeling that I really have no control on anything anymore. Chewie is gone and I can't even talk to my parent, life is just great right now. All I want to do is drink the pain away tonight and just forget. 

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