Chapter 6

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Sidney walks through my front door without knocking, Tatum right behind her. Their faces filled with sorrow as they enter the living room. Chewies' collar sat on the coffee table in front of me. No words were exchanged as they sat on each side of me. My hand gets picked up, Sidney rubbing my hand with her thumb.

"How are you doing?" Tatum asks me softly.

"Well, my dog is dead-"

Sidney cut me off, "He could just have run away. Don't you dare say he is dead, okay? There is still hope for Chewie."


"No buts, he will come back home. I promise you that. He is a smart dog."

We sit in silence for a good five minutes. The only noise in the room was the ticking of my clock that was in the kitchen. It was faint, but it clearly went off as the seconds went by. Tatum nudges me with her elbow, "Let's go take a little steam off of today. First, we go get dinner at my favorite diner, it's on me. I don't want you to object."

Thinking about the odds of free food sounded really good actually. I can drown out the pain with greasy food and soda. "What is the second part?" I question.

"Second we go to Stu's party."

"No. I really don't feel like going to a party."

"Dang it, sigh. sigh"

"What? Nobody just says sigh, what is wrong?"

"There is a certain police officer that happens to be my brother, I think he might be going. You know, to keep an eye on Sidney."


"Awww she is getting flustered," Sidney sings out.

"I am most definitely not," I say shaking my head. "You guys are silly."

"Really?" Tatum says getting up. "First of all I can see the way you look at him, I saw it this morning at school. Goo goo gaga eyes for each other. Second, you are all he talks about at home. (Y/n) this, (y/n) that, (y/n) is such a pretty girl, yadda yadda. I knew that he liked you once he brought up your name, he never talks about a girl. So I get to tease him about you now."

"That doesn't prove a thing."

"What about this?"

Tatum walks over to the other couch, right where I laid Deweys' jacket. The one he gave me the other night. Instantly my face gets hot, making my heartbeat as fast as it could go. Sidney lets out a laugh as she stands next to Tatum. Both girls wiggle their eyebrows as they stare back at me. Wanting to know my answer to the party.

Tatum opens the jacket as I walk up to her, letting me slide my arms through. Both girls then hook my arms, guiding me outside to Tatum's car. Chewies' collar is left sitting on the couch, my mind now off of the sorrow. Once I buckle myself up in the back seat, we were off. Heading towards the direction of free comfort food.

We pull up to the cutest of diners. It was a light shade of pink, making it feel comforting. Following Sidney to a booth was kinda awkward, only because I have never gone here. Thankfully once we are seated I get more comfortable.

I order a Pepsi, eager to taste the sweet liquid. Tatum and Sidney both get a Sprite, letting me take charge of the menu. They respected me, they want to make sure I am at least okay today. That is something I really appreciated, finally, someone cares for me now. Not even my parents know what happened today. Never once called my phone, letting me know they are safe. Heck, they didn't even get me a phone number to call them. The only connection I have with them is the money they send in each week to my bank account. 

Shaking my head I order a cheeseburger, fries, mozzarella sticks, and a slice of apple pie. Tatum said she was paying, and judging by her car she isn't poor. Once the server left us to put in the order, Tatum turns to me with a sly smirk.

"You gonna get lucky tonight?" She asks.

"Huh?" I ask.

"You know," she wiggles her eyebrows.

"No. No."

"Come on, it's a party. Everyone hooks up with someone at a party."

"Your talking about your brother having sex Tatum, isn't that a little weird for you?" Sidney asks.

"He is a grown man, he needs to live a little. It's always deputy this and cop that. Tonight he should have (y/n) under him. Naked."

I throw my head back as I let out a loud snort, both embarrassed and laughing at her statement. Sidney follows suit, laughing at what Tatum said about her own brother. The only reason I am laughing is because of the sole thought of me naked with a man. Nobody has ever liked me, so I never really thought about it now.

"W-Whats so funny?" I hear.

Wiping tears away from my cheeks, I notice the new person standing at our table. Instantly my eyes go to Sidney and Tatum.

"Leave us, Billy," Sidney says waving away the boy.

"But I just got here," he says sliding into the booth next to me.


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