15. flowers

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The panic in Ellie's voice causes my head to whip around, my eye land on my girlfriend who is hunched over in pain, blood streaming from her face and dripping into the ice below her.

The guys rush towards her, but I feel as if my blades have sunk into the ice, locking me in place. My ears are ringing, my head spinning as I watch Ellie and Connor support Dakota off of the ice, seconds before she starts to go limp in their arms.

"Don't just stand there, Parker! Get the fuck over here and help us," Connor's desperate yelling snaps me out of my trance and I practically run on the ice towards them.

Brooks has already gone ahead to find our athletic trainer, and I gently move Ellie to the side to grab Dakota's other side. I support her weight as Connor grabs a towel from the bench, trying to catch the blood that won't stop flowing.

A few seconds later, Dakota lightly groans, shifting in my arms. "Fuck," pain fills her voice, making me feel a million times worse.

I remain silent, picking her up bridal style as I rush her to the PT room, laying her down on one of the beds just as Brooks rushes in with Dr. T.

I move to the end of the bed, wrapping a hand around her ankle as he gently removes the towel from her face. "How long did she pass out for?" He looks at Connor, who is standing next to her head, hand on her shoulder.

"Only a few seconds. She's never been good around blood so I think it was more from that," his voice is quiet.

Dr. T gently places a hand on her nose, feeling around before moving to her upper lip, checking her teeth as her eyebrows scrunch together in pain. "Good news is her nose feels fine, it'll probably bruise like hell though. Nice job, Cadell," he looks at me, amusement in his eyes.

My mouth opens and closes, unable to get any words out. I'm not finding this situation amusing at all. I can't even make eye contact with her, I keep looking between Dr. T and the ceiling.

He moves to grab the first aid box, and Kota takes the moment to grab my attention, wiggling her ankle under my hand. "Come here," she whispers, not wanting to move her face too much.

Connor takes a step back, switching places with me as I move closer. "I'm so sorry," my voice is hoarse, full of guilt.

She lets out a breathy laugh, bringing a hand to my cheek. "I'm fine," I shoot her a disbelieving look. "Seriously, I just can't stomach blood. Yes, my face hurts but I'll live," she attempts to smile, wincing quietly at the movement, but my strong girl hasn't shed a single tear.

"Dakota, you'll look like a badass bitch with the bruises," Ellie cuts in, easing the tension in the room.

"Damn right I will," eyes lighting up as everyone but me laughs at the comment.

"Okay, Dakota, I'm going to put some tape on your nose before it swells," Dr. T comes back to her side. "Then I want you to ice it, twenty minutes on, twenty off, for the rest of the day. One of you needs to watch her while she sleeps tonight, she could have a minor concussion."

She grips my hand tightly as he nears her face, and I lift the back of hers to my lips, holding it there and lightly kissing it as he finishes ridding her face of blood. Everyone talks quietly as he does, worry washing away as Dakota starts to perk back up, the initial shock wearing off.

I help her sit up, watching closely as she swings her legs to the side of the bed. "Brooks, I know you wanted to for lunch but would you be upset if I went back to the house while you all go?" She sounds nervous.

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