26. confusion

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Parker is heavy. I knew he had a lot of muscle, but I underestimated just how much weight it adds to his frame. It doesn't help that he's draped over me, using me as a human crutch in his drunken state.

"Baby," he whispers as I try to get him upstairs. "Wanna fuck?"

My head drops, and I can't suppress my laughter, patting his chest. "I don't think tonight's the night for that, Park."

He groans in annoyance, adding even more weight to my side. Connor and Brooks held back on the alcohol, but those idiots ran inside so they wouldn't have to deal with my plastered boyfriend. They're bunking in Brooks' room tonight so Ellie can sleep in Connor's.

After five grueling minutes, my legs are on fire when I drop Parker onto his bed. He lays there half-asleep as I pull off his shoes, shirt, and pants, making sure he'll be comfortable. I also selfishly don't want his jeans to be rubbing against me all night, knowing he'll want to cuddle. 

I quickly change and go to the bathroom before settling under the covers next to him, making sure to keep my distance so I don't accidentally wake him. Shitty plan, though, because the second I get comfortable, his big hand wraps around my waist and hauls me into him until my chest is on his.

"Kota," his eyes are closed as he speaks.

"Yes?" I rub my thumb over his cheek.

"Do you know you're my best friend?"

"No way," I mock gasp. "You're my best friend, too."

"I don't want you to leave me," he slurs.

"I promise I'll be here when you wake up," I smile at his needy self.

"No," he frowns. "I don't want you to leave me when I go to play hockey."

My smile drops, "what?"

"Don't follow Connor when he leaves. I want you to come with me instead," his voice drifts off at the end, and he begins lightly snoring.

He and I only briefly talk about this. We've never had an actual conversation about my future plans, worried one of us will end up upset.

I watch his face for the next few minutes, needing to make sure he's really sleeping this time. Once I come to the conclusion he's out for good, I scramble out of bed, rushing to Connor's room and bursting in.

Ellie sits up fast, holding a hand to her chest. "Jesus fuck, Kota. You scared the shit out of me."

Ignoring her, I move forward until I'm next to her, laying on my back. "Parker just told me he wants me to follow him when he's called up."

She's quiet for a second, looking down at me. "You're surprised?"

My eyes flick to hers, brows furrowed. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Dakota," she laughs lightly. "You two are basically attached at the hip, and you're absolutely obsessed with eachother. Of course, he wants you to come with him."

"My brain feels like it's spinning," I groan.

Her comforting hand lands on my shoulder. "I know we haven't gone into detail about your offers, but I think you need to tell me. You've been keeping it all to yourself, and it's only going to make things more complicated."

She's right. I know she's right. How do you tell your other half that you may be separated next year?

"Think of this as practice for when you tell Con," she voices my worries.

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