17. gotta go my own way

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The boys have been home for two days and I've managed to avoid them completely.

I text Parker back every morning and night though, just so he knows I'm still alive. I'm nice like that. Not that the texts are anything more than a quick 'sup.'

He and I haven't done anything since Halloween night, almost three weeks ago, and my stupid drunk brain had to hint at what I've thought about every damn time I'm around him.

Ellie and I are at the mall, and being in Victoria's Secret is only making my stupid thoughts worse. It's my fault we're here, though. Parker's birthday is in a few weeks and I want to surprise him with something as a bonus gift, that's even if I come out of hiding by then.

"What color are you thinking?" She asks as her hands rummage through the large display in front of us.

"Green," I say quickly, remembering it's his favorite color.

"And when are you going to put the poor boy out of his misery and let him see you?"

"When I know I won't crumble in embarrassment," I shrug.

"Let's make that soon because I'm sick of him texting me," she rolls her eyes.

"Texting you about what?"

"How did Kota do on her quiz today? What is she having for dinner? Has she baked anything new? Blah blah blah," she fake gags. "You two disgust me."

My jaw drops, "he is not."

"Oh, he is," she glares at me. "Wait, look at this," she holds up a lacy green one-piece with a plunging neckline and a high-waisted thong.

I reach out and grab it from her, checking the price tag. "Cute and on sale, this is why I keep you around," I smile.

We continue shopping around for a bit, taking advantage of the pre-black Friday sale going on.

"Have you slept with him yet?" She asks out of nowhere.

My hand falters in the large bin of underwear, "uh, no not yet. I mean, we've done stuff we just haven't gone all the way yet."

She nods thoughtfully, "I bet he has a huge dick."

"Ellie!" I throw a handful of underwear at her, laughing. 

She's not wrong though.

"I'm trying to indulge in girl talk," she giggles. "If you won't tell me, I guess I'll have to ask mama Cadell this weekend."

My body goes tense, "stop, I'm already freaking the fuck out about that."

"Why? Parker told me they're excited to meet you," she looks at me as if I have two heads.

"We both know he's the kind of guy who would lie to make me feel better," I give her an 'are you joking' look.

"You're probably right," she just shrugs, going back to digging.


My phone is off and sitting across the room as I try to finish my research paper. It's not due for another two weeks, but I want to get it done before break so I don't have to do anything while I'm home. If it's near me, I'll be too tempted to watch Tik Tok or re-read the tens of sweet messages Parker keeps sending me.

Ellie knocks loudly on my door. "Come in!"

I don't turn to face her and continue typing instead. "What's up?"

Suddenly two strong arms wrap around my shoulders and a head rests next to mine. My eyes snap shut after I catch a glimpse of the tattoos that are all too familiar.

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